Our specialists, urologists of the highest qualification category with extensive work experience, are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the genitourinary system, both on a planned and emergency basis. We select organ-preserving, effective and least invasive methods of therapy to preserve your health and speed up recovery after surgery. Modern medical equipment in the urology department of our hospital allows us to perform high-tech operations of varying complexity: remote crushing of kidney and ureteral stones, fluoroscopy of the urinary tract, endoscopic, laparoscopic procedures and much more, including minimally invasive operations to remove benign prostatic hyperplasia. We work under the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance policies. You can find out the full list of paid clinic services available under insurance from the managers.
An appointment with a urologist takes place in the consultation and diagnostic room of the urological center in Moscow, after which the doctor will refer you to the necessary examinations and tests to make an accurate diagnosis.
Contact information for the urology department K+31 is listed at the bottom of the page. You can make an appointment with a specialist on the website using a special form. We provide a full range of urological care.
The urology department K+31 has its own operating room, equipped with the most advanced surgical equipment and a team of highly qualified professional specialists. All the possibilities of accurate functional diagnostics are available to patients, including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We provide high-tech medical care. Each patient has access to a comfortable hospital, treatment rooms, and rooms for short-term hospitalization. The consulting and diagnostic department of our organization is suitable for medical examination of everyone.
Specialists of the urology department use in their daily practice minimally invasive, microsurgical operations, low-traumatic and organ-preserving methods of treatment of urological diseases: laparoscopic, endoscopic operations, remote destruction of ureteral stones, kidney stones, if necessary, pyelototomy is performed, treatment of the consequences of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, etc. Visits are also carried out by urological oncologists.
Professionalism combined with high-tech treatment methods in the center of urology and gynecology “K+31” allows you to successfully cope with the vast majority of pathologies, including urological oncology, urinary tract diseases, cystitis in women and other urogynecological diseases, infections, scrotal hydrocele, prostatic hyperplasia glands, etc.
When examining a patient, modern methods are used, including ultrasound diagnostics, which is important in urology. We work only with proven, approved technologies and drugs, observing all standards and protocols. The team of the best urologists in Moscow at the paid clinic “K+31” takes an individual approach to the treatment of each patient. The appointment is conducted by a pediatric urologist.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.
The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.
The urology department of the clinic has accumulated unique experience in the treatment of urolithiasis using endoscopic laser techniques and flexible instruments for removing kidney stones. Surgery without incisions, tissue dissection and pain. The day after the operation, most patients in the urology department leave the clinic without stones in the kidneys or ureters. We accept patients who present urgently with acute pain and come for routine examination and treatment. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, combined with the ability to interpret the symptoms of a particular disease, allow specialists at the urology center to detect the problem in a timely manner. To make an appointment with a urologist in Moscow, you just need to use the form provided on the website.
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The final decision on the presence of indications for surgery and its immediate implementation is the responsibility of the urologist-surgeon.
Surgical treatment in our urology department is possible for the following urological diseases:
In case of a violation in the structure of an organ or if correction of functions is necessary, uroandrological operations are performed in our urology department.
In the urology department of the K+31 clinic, sling operations are performed - these are interventions on the urinary system to eliminate urinary incontinence, based on strengthening the urethra.
For surgical intervention, the urology department of the clinic has all the necessary diagnostic and related equipment.
Operative treatment in our clinic can be carried out in different ways:
In our urology department, such medical operations and procedures are carried out as:
Современная аппаратура и малоинвазивные методики позволяют врачам чаще использовать эпидуральную анестезию, которая значительно меньше влияет на работу сердца, почек и печени, чем общий наркоз, что особенно актуально для людей в возрасте.
Многие пациенты, особенно старшего возраста, имеют хронические заболевания других органов и систем, являющиеся противопоказаниями к общему наркозу. Эпидуральная анестезия снимает ограничения на хирургическое лечение у таких пациентов.
В послеоперационный период клиника К+31 размещает своих пациентов в комфортных условиях, в палатах, рассчитанных на одного или двух человек.
Пребывание в них включает:
Все палаты оснащены тревожной кнопкой, нажав которую можно моментально вызвать дежурного специалиста. Наши квалифицированные доктора, внимательный и заботливый персонал урологического отделения помогут вам выздороветь в максимально короткие сроки.
By no means a verdict! Prostate adenoma is a benign process, which is perfectly controlled and responds well to both medical and surgical treatment. The intrigue of prostate adenoma is only that the prevalence of this disease is approaching to 100 percent for older men. At 80, about 80-90% of men have this diagnosis, and almost everyone needs the help of a specialist.
No never. There are three very well-known diseases of the prostate gland: prostate cancer, prostate adenoma and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). All three diseases do not flow into each other into each other, but can simultaneously affect the same organ. However, no one has proven that they are somehow causally related.
Just the other day, we had just such a case: an elderly patient with an advanced oncological process came to us. At the medical consultation, my colleagues and I formulated the main task: "To try to extend the life of a person as much as possible." Therefore, speaking about the possibility of surgery, we must always evaluate the ratio of risk and effectiveness. If the benefit outweighs the risk, then we can recommend surgery, but the final decision must be made jointly with the patient. Our task as doctors in detail explain what the consequences of surgery may be. If the risk is too high, we can find alternative solutions and prescribe radiation, hormonal or chemotherapy. In each case, this decision is made individually based on the stage disease, general health and, of course, the wishes of the patient.
This is a myth that is hundreds of years old. There was a time when virtually all boys were circumcised in the United States, but the general profile incidence has not changed significantly. If circumcision really significantly reduced the risk of getting sick, in a number of countries many common STDs simply would not exist, or they would be much less common. Unfortunately, no such pattern has been found. From a medical point of view, as "STD prevention" this procedure does not make much sense. True, there is an addiction between cervical cancer risk and male circumcision. In this matter, circumcision is indeed a blessing.
Of course have. The most common mythical disease is chronic prostatitis. Diagnosis is very popular among outpatient urologists, however, only in 5% of cases it is really justified. In 95%, this diagnosis is not based on sufficient grounds. There are a number of objective signs, on the basis of which, after an appropriate examination, it is possible to diagnose chronic prostatitis. Unpleasant sensations in the perineum or above the womb and non-specific urination disorders are inconclusive proof of the presence of the disease!