Kashel in laringe

Laringiti caschell is the main symptom that emerges regardless of the cause and age of the patient. Normally he's dry, he's hot, remotely resembling dog lily.

The symptoms of this affliction cause many unpleasant feelings and deliver maximum discomfort. Children at pre-school and school age are particularly affected by the deterioration of their self-reliance.


  • obsession;
  • may cause asphyxiation;
  • Recurrent vomiting;
  • Provoking the flow of respiratory paths.

Important: If the respiratory paths are strong, they are likely to be completely closed.

First, cough is dry, obsessive and unproductive. The use of charcoal-type drugs is not effective during this period. And only on the 5th day when the cough becomes wet, treatment will be easier.

Disease symptoms cannot pass on their own, and their duration is very dangerous. The treatment must therefore begin immediately.

How to remove the symptom.

When symptoms of disease occur, the logical question is how to treat the cough at the laringitis. The first thing we need to do is wet the slimy. This requires the following manipulations:

1. Inhalation. They're letting the inflammation go off, increasing the hortanium. Effectively conduct vapour inhalation (but only with the viral nature of the disease) with the sea salt: they burn and remove wet, have bacteric and anti-flammatory actions.

2. In non-productive cough treatment is recommended with anti-cash treatment. It is important to choose non-narcotics (without coding and morphine) because they do not cause habitation and complications, are allowed for childcare.

3. Disease may cause pain in the hortany, it is therefore recommended that the throats of anti-septical solutions or warm water with salt and soda be lashed as often as possible. A child may be correctly stripped from the age of four years.

4. Special alcohol and aerosols will help to improve the condition of inflammation and dryness.

5. Coupling the attacks and reducing the inflammation of the hortani will help distracting the pills.

WARN: Any action related to the treatment or removal of cough symptoms in the laringite should be performed under the doctor ' s professional guidance.

In addition to medication, it is important to take into account a few more points:

  • Drinking;
  • To speak quietly, without tension;
  • Protect the throat from the cold;
  • To abandon smoking;
  • Regularly moisture the air in the room;
  • Flying the room twice a day.

If the cough became wet for five days, it's a good treatment. Now it's important to find effective drugs that can quickly remove the wet from the lungs.

The treatment of laering cough will be useless if it is incorrect to determine the cause of the inflammatory process in the throats and not to eliminate it. In the first signs of the disease, it is important to address therapist. Timely initiation of treatment will reduce the risk of complications!

Chesel after laringitis.

After laringitis, the cough can be observed for a while. There's still a small accumulation of wet in the system. And to be completely clear of her, it takes time. The post-Laringit casket can be enhanced by contacting dry and cold air, dust, as well as by overloading voices.

The dry cough after laringitis can last between 7 and 14 days. If a cough after laringitis doesn't pass in two weeks, it's a complication. Therapist should be approached immediately to clarify diagnosis and correct the therapy.

Residual cough after laringitis

The first thing you need to do is do exactly what you want to do. Helping your body is possible through non-chemical health interventions:

1. Healthy lifestyle (HL). Stop smoking and alcoholic beverages. It is important to preserve the resources of the organism and give it time for recovery.

2. Right food. The ration should be enriched with protein food, because it includes aerotics. They'll help the respiratory epists recover.

3. Air moisture. The dry air will irritate the slimy and throats and the nose, causing coughs and nosebleeds. Wetting can be done by special devices or wet towels on hot batteries.

4. Body temperature. It's important to avoid refrigeration because they annoy armor.

Treatment of residual cough after laringitis for children

It is often possible to observe the residual cough after the laringitis of the child. Usually, this kind of symptom does not cause special discomfort and takes place in a few weeks. But it's important to correctly distinguish the residual cough from complications.

After the laringitis, the pot is found in children with a weak immune system with frequent contact with dust, tobacco smoke, and frequent cold diseases.

To facilitate the child ' s symptomatic, it is necessary:

  • Frequently ventilation;
  • Save the child from allergens, tobacco smoke and heavy smells;
  • wet the air and maintain optimum temperature (without sharp falls);
  • Drinking.

Welds (lip colour, animal and Roma at a temperature of a maximum of 40 degrees) or inhalation with pest can be used. Medical treatment is unnecessary, it is important to provide the child with the right care and optimum conditions.

WARN: Any action to treat the cough at/after the laringitis should be carried out under the professional guidance of a pediatrician. Cheers.

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