Computed tomography of the brain

Computed tomography of the brain is performed by scanning the target area using x-rays. Modern CT equipment makes it possible to study the structures of the skull in layers and to make a three-dimensional image of the brain structures. To study the cerebral circulation and study local areas of the brain, a CT scan of the head is performed using a contrast agent.

What is head CT

By analogy with radiography, the method of computed tomography is based on the selective absorption of ionizing radiation by tissues. Passing through areas of different density, the energy of the rays is weakened to one degree or another, so soft tissues and bones are visualized differently on x-rays. The denser the area, the lighter and sharper its outlines will be in the black and white image.

The tomograph frame, equipped with sensors, rotates around the patient's body, taking a series of images from several angles. The signals coming from the sensors are processed by a specialized program that superimposes images on top of each other and forms a three-dimensional model of the brain.

Skull CT is considered more informative than radiography, because after processing it creates more detailed images and a more detailed diagnostic picture.

Indications for examination

Computed tomography is used as a screening method to search for possible violations of the anatomy and physiology of brain structures. The reason for the appointment of CT of the brain and blood vessels may be complaints about:

  • intense, prolonged, recurring headaches;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting not related to digestion;
  • deterioration of visual and auditory perception;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus of unspecified cause;
  • impaired memory and attention;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • speech disorders;
  • unsteady gait;
  • flickering “flies” before the eyes;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • weakness, numbness in the upper and lower extremities.

Tomography is included in the list of mandatory studies for primary convulsive syndrome, as well as repeated attacks of epilepsy in combination with fever, headache, history of oncology.

A CT scan of the brain is recommended for head injuries - the picture will show violations already 6 hours after the incident. In this regard, the tomogram is superior in information content to MRI, allowing early identification of the consequences of injury. Timely visualization of GM tissues helps doctors choose the optimal treatment tactics and prevent the development of complications.

In maxillofacial surgery and dental practice, CT of the brain is used to assess the condition of the temporomandibular joints and jaw bones before surgery and dental implantation.

In emergency medicine, computed tomography of the head is performed in case of suspected cerebrovascular accident, in the acute phase of a stroke and in the post-stroke period to assess the degree of brain damage.

What does head CT show

Computed tomography of the brain gives an idea of the state of the vault and base of the skull, temporal bones, paranasal sinuses, soft tissues, cavities, sinuses and blood vessels. CT with contrast well visualizes the subclavian, vertebral, carotid arteries and the brachiocephalic trunk, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the features of cerebral circulation.

What can be detected with a CT scan of the brain:

  • consequences of head injuries - cracks, fractures, hemorrhages, liquor leaks;
  • signs of a stroke;
  • primary malignant neoplasms and metastases;
  • anatomical anomalies of the skull and brain structures;
  • localization of foreign bodies;
  • signs of inflammatory processes - meningitis, encephalitis;
  • damage to the auditory and optic nerves, eyeball, inner ear;
  • fluid accumulation (dropsy GM) and degree of edema;
  • suppuration in the epidural and subdural spaces;
  • GM infarction;
  • changes in size, compression or displacement of the GM ventricles;
  • benign tumors.

CT of the brain with contrast helps to determine the diagnosis of suspected thrombosis, vascular aneurysms, atherosclerosis, arteriovenous fistulas, malformations, cavernomas. The violation is judged by changes in the localization of the vessels, the width of the lumen, the features of the circulation of the contrast agent and its outflow outside the vascular wall.

Contraindications for tomography

CT in native mode (without contrast) is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy - the danger is associated with the teratogenic effects of radiation on the developing fetus. The study is not conducted for children under the age of 7 years, as well as for patients who have recently undergone a course of radiotherapy. Individuals who often have to be examined by x-ray methods may be denied the procedure in favor of an alternative diagnosis without radiation exposure.

Contraindications for CT of the head and cerebral vessels with contrast enhancement:

  • intolerance to iodine and other substances that are used to contrast pictures;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • decompensated form of diabetes mellitus.

For any acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, computed tomography is performed after agreement with the specialized doctor (endocrinologist, hepatologist, nephrologist, oncologist).

A relative contraindication is the lactation period due to the ability of the contrast to penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, within 2-3 days after the CT procedure, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.

Recommendations for preparation

There is no need to prepare for a CT scan of the brain - you just need to sign up for the study first. In life-threatening situations, diagnostics are performed urgently with a quick interpretation of the results.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor conducts a survey to exclude contraindications to x-rays. The specialist must be informed about the possible pregnancy and the drugs taken.

If contrast-enhanced CT is scheduled, no food should be eaten 2 hours prior to drug administration. The study is best done on an empty stomach in the morning to avoid nausea. With a burdened allergic history, a preliminary test for iodine tolerance can be carried out.

Patients should also adhere to general recommendations:

  • Before scanning, remove jewelry (earrings, chains, hair clips).
  • Remove temporary tattoos from the skin.
  • Do not abuse decorative cosmetics for the face.

Patients of our clinic are often interested in how long a CT scan of the brain takes. The procedure without the introduction of a contrast agent will take 15-20 minutes of your time. A tomography with contrast lasts about half an hour.

How brain CT is done

In the CT scanner room, the patient removes shoes and metal objects. With the help of an X-ray laboratory assistant, it is placed on the diagnostic table in the supine position. To make the pictures clear, the head is fixed on the headrest, and during the procedure they try to remain still.

The specialist starts the scanning process - the tomograph ring begins to rotate and take pictures, on the basis of which a three-dimensional image will be built. The procedure is painless, the patient hears only clicks that the x-ray machine emits.

In contrast-enhanced CT, an iodine-based drug is injected intravenously, after which the target area is scanned. The pictures allow you to see the movement of the solution through the vessels, its accumulation in pathological structures, distribution in individual zones.

Children's brain CT scans are performed in a similar fashion after weighing the diagnostic benefit against the likely health risks.

Transcript of results

For one scanning procedure, the diagnostician receives a series of black-and-white images in different projections, which are printed on film or recorded on digital media immediately after the examination is completed. Based on the data obtained, the tomogram is deciphered with an assessment of:

  • structure of the brain in accordance with the indicators of the norm;
  • anatomy of brain structures and bones of the skull;
  • pathological shadows and highlights;
  • size and localization of the ventricles;
  • white matter development;
  • conditions of the sinuses and mastoid processes;
  • cortical sulci, etc.

The doctor draws attention to the signs of inflammatory, infectious, purulent processes, accumulation of fluids, the presence of volumetric formations. With the help of contrasting, it is possible to assess the cerebral circulation, to conduct a differential diagnosis of malignant and benign tumors. All features are recorded in the conclusion and issued to the patient in writing. With the results of tomography, the patient is sent to an appointment with the attending physician, who makes a final diagnosis or, if necessary, prescribes additional examinations (MRI, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck, angiography).

How often can I do head CT?

Computed tomography poses a certain health hazard, as it creates a radiation load on the human body. Therefore, X-ray diagnostics is carried out strictly according to indications and taking into account the total dose of radiation during the year.

In emergency cases, it is allowed to conduct several studies per year - but no more than three. It must be understood that in some situations the risk of late diagnosis may exceed the potential danger of X-ray exposure.

At the medical center "K+31" in Moscow, CT of the brain is performed on modern devices that quickly scan the target area with minimal doses of ionizing radiation. The images have increased clarity and provide the specialist with maximum information for making a diagnosis, drawing up a treatment plan and evaluating its effectiveness.

How much does a CT scan of the brain cost

The cost of a CT scan of the head, in addition to the procedure itself, includes the issuance of images, writing data to disk and decoding the results. Prices for CT scans of the brain with and without contrast enhancement will differ. You can get more accurate information about computed tomography by phone - a representative of the "K+31" clinic will consult you and sign you up for the study.

Service record


All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist