Zakharov Roman Sergeevich
Radiation diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, radiation diagnostics in oncology, coloproctology, neuroradiology.
- Planning, execution, analysis and description of CT results: brain, neck, including angiography, chest organs, abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, small pelvis, cardiovascular system, coronary angiography, angiography of the terminal aorta and vessels of the lower extremities, virtual colonoscopy, CT enterography, direct CT phlebography of the veins of the lower extremities, CT phlebography of the veins of the abdominal organs and pelvic veins.
- Planning, execution, analysis and description of MRI results: brain, neck, spine, joints, abdominal and retroperitoneal organs, pelvic organs, MR enterography, MRCP, rectum, multiparametric MRI examination of the prostate gland, heart.
- Planning, execution, analysis and description of the results of x-ray studies: chest organs, abdominal cavity, digestive system, osteoarticular system, urinary system.
- Consultation for CT and MRI examinations (second opinion).
Children's examination: no.