Functional disorders of the sphincter apparatus of the biliary tract

The sphincter of Oddi is a round muscular valve that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum. By controlling the flow of these fluids, it plays an important role in the digestion process. Against the background of impaired patency of the bile ducts, its dysfunction develops.

Location and main functions

Where is the sphincter of oddi located? It is located in the upper part of the duodenum, immediately after the stomach. This organ not only regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum, but also prevents the risk of its contents moving back.

Causes of dysfunction

One of the main causes of Oddi sphincter dysfunction is congenital anomalies in its structure - congenital nodes or narrowings that impede the normal flow of bile and pancreatic juice. Some chronic diseases, such as chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis, can also cause sphincter dysfunction. Liver pathologies such as cirrhosis can also affect his work.

In 75% of cases, injuries and surgical interventions on the biliary tract or pancreatic ducts lead to dysfunction. This can happen both immediately after the operation, and after some time.


Symptoms and manifestations depend on the degree of dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi. Most often there are palpable pains in the upper abdomen. They are localized in the right upper quadrant and worse after eating, especially fatty or spicy.

If the pathology leads to impaired bile secretion, jaundice develops. At the same time, the skin and whites of the eyes acquire a specific yellowish tint, the urine becomes darker, and the feces become lighter.

Also, dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi causes nausea and vomiting, especially after eating. There may also be stool disorders - diarrhea or constipation.

Some patients may experience more rare symptoms such as gas, belching, bloating, loss of appetite, and weight loss for no apparent reason.

Diagnostic Features

The doctor begins the diagnosis by analyzing the patient's complaints and medical history. Very important aspects are the nature of the pain, its relationship with food intake and the presence of additional symptoms.

After that, the specialist directs the patient to laboratory tests. He will have to pass a general and biochemical blood test with the determination of indicators of liver function. Urine and feces are also examined. This helps to identify possible disorders in the liver and biliary system, as well as to determine the level of inflammatory activity in the body.

To confirm the diagnosis and determine the degree of dysfunction of the sphincter, instrumental research methods are used:

  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • ERCG (endoscopic retrograde cholangiography).
  • Manometry of the sphincter of Oddi.

These methods also allow you to visualize the structure of the sphincter and biliary tract, evaluate their function and identify possible causes of the violation.

Peculiarities of treatment

The goal of treating sphincter of Oddi dysfunction is to eliminate the cause of the pathology and alleviate the symptoms. Depending on the cause and degree of the disorder, the doctor prescribes diet therapy, medication, or surgery.

Diet therapy

Patients are advised to follow a diet that excludes spicy, fatty, fried foods and alcohol. The basis of the diet should be easily digestible proteins, complex carbohydrates, lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits.

Drug therapy

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. However, if the patient has a pronounced pain syndrome, he is urgently hospitalized in the gastroenterological department.

The main objectives of drug therapy are to relieve spasm, reduce pain, and normalize the outflow of bile and pancreatic juice.

To relieve spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, the doctor prescribes the use of:

  • Nitrates.
  • Anticholinergic drugs (eg Metocinium iodide).
  • Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine).

These medications often cause side effects - in particular, they affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, they are used in small doses and in combination with other drugs.

It is also possible to use antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine). To relieve spasm, stimulate bile secretion and reduce its insufficiency, the patient is prescribed Hymecromon.


Physiotherapy techniques significantly improve the condition with spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. In particular, they reduce the manifestations of the disease and the level of pain.

The most effective method is magnetotherapy. The use of a magnetic field stimulates tissues and improves blood circulation. This helps to reduce inflammation and tissue swelling.

Other useful physical therapy techniques include:

  • Ultrasound therapy.
  • Electrical stimulation.
  • Laser therapy.

The choice of a specific method of physiotherapy and its use should take place under the strict supervision of a physician after a detailed examination of the patient. The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi is often demonstrated by an integrated approach that combines drug therapy and physiotherapy.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention is considered in case of failure of conservative therapy or with certain complications. An endoscopic spincterotomy (widening or cutting of the sphincter of Oddi) or insertion of a stent may be ordered to relieve the patient's symptoms. These are serious interventions that carry risks. Therefore, they are used only under strict indications.

For the treatment of dysfunction, sphinct implantation is more often prescribed, which involves the installation of a special implant. This helps to improve the mechanical properties of the sphincter and reduce the risk of recurrence. With partial and complete dysfunction of the sphincter, a fenestration operation is performed. In this case, a hole is created in the organ, which improves patency.

A number of special studies are carried out before surgery, including sigmoidoscopy and ultrasound diagnostics. This allows the doctor to accurately establish the diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment tactics.

After that, the patient undergoes preoperative preparation. It includes testing, examination by a therapist, as well as the abolition or correction of certain medications.

Result of treatment

The result is largely determined by the method of treatment and the characteristics of the patient's body. In most cases, after the therapeutic course, there is a positive trend in the quality of life of the patient. The intensity of pain decreases, there is a stabilization of digestion and an improvement in overall health.

Recovery after surgery

After inserting a stent or performing a fenestration operation, it is important to adhere to a special regimen for a certain time. The patient is advised to eat right and temporarily limit physical and sexual activity.

The postoperative diet excludes constipating foods and involves increasing the amount of water consumed. The diet should be nutritious and enriched with proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The most important step in the recovery process after sphincter of Oddi surgery is physical activity. The patient will have to work with a physiotherapist who will create a personalized training program.

Preventing sphincter of Oddi dysfunction

One of the key measures to prevent sphincter of Oddi dysfunction is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In particular, it is recommended:

  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Give up alcohol and tobacco.
  • Be active.
  • Periodically undergo a medical examination.

Proper nutrition plays a special role in the prevention of diseases of the biliary system. From the diet it is recommended to exclude fatty, fried foods, spicy foods, as well as foods that promote the formation of gallstones. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, gourds, lean meats (beef, veal) and fish (very useful hake, sea bass), whole grains.

Regular medical examinations allow you to timely identify possible problems with the biliary system and start treatment. This is especially important for people at risk of developing these pathologies. In particular, this applies to persons with a hereditary predisposition, with chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as to the elderly.

Making an appointment at the K+31 clinic

Online appointment with the specialists of the K+31 clinic is carried out through the medical information system. To do this, you must specify the full name and contact phone number. After confirming the appointment, a call center employee will contact you to clarify the details.

If it is necessary to carry out additional procedures at the reception, the time can be adjusted. If the specialist which you want to book is not available for online booking, you can contact us by phone +7 (495) 104-48-14.

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