1 day after embryo transfer

ekoden1.jpg The procedure for transferring embryos into the uterine cavity begins with the collection of oocytes and their fertilization with the sperm of the spouse / partner in the laboratory. The diploid cell is cultured for 2-5 days, after which the prepared blastomeres are implanted into the uterus. On day 1 after the embryo transfer, it is necessary to observe bed rest and calmness, since psycho-emotional overstrain and excessive stress can affect the results of the IVF procedure.

The first days after embryo transfer

ekoden2.jpg The period after the transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity before passing the hCG test is the most important in the IVF procedure. To increase the chances of successful implantation of blastomeres and their normal development, women should strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations regarding:

  • bed rest;
  • nutritional rules;
  • work and rest mode;
  • taking medications.

During the first 12-14 days after replanting embryos, life proceeds with certain restrictions, the observance of which increases the likelihood of the embryo entering the endometrium for further development.

Transfer 3-day and 5-day embryos

The day of collection and fertilization of the oocyte in the laboratory is considered zero. After that, male and female germ cells are placed in a nutrient medium for a day for fertilization. After evaluating the results obtained, diploid cells are selected from the test tube, which begin to divide (blastomeres) and turn into embryos. Depending on the designated transfer day, several embryos are cultured in an incubator for 2-5 days.

Usually, embryos that have been grown for 3 or 5 days are selected for replanting into the uterine cavity. The day of transfer is determined by the fertility specialist and depends on several factors:

  • the number of oocytes obtained;
  • the patient's reproductive age;
  • the number of previously performed IVF procedures;
  • preparedness of the endometrium for transfer;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

If a woman's age does not exceed 35 years old, 3-day embryos are used for replanting. In the final period of fertile age (more than 40 years), it is recommended to carry out IVF with five-day embryos, since they have a higher survival rate and the ability to implant into the uterine wall.

What happens in the body after embryo transfer?

After moving the ovum into the uterine cavity, its implantation into the endometrium occurs within 2-8 days. During IVF, late implantation is more often observed, which is associated with a long period of adaptation of blastomeres to the new environment.

ekoden3.jpg The following factors affect the timing of the embryo's introduction into the uterine wall:

  1. endometrial condition;
  2. psycho-emotional state;
  3. hormonal background;
  4. acute infectious diseases, etc.

In 1 dp of five days, the ovum continues its development. From a 6- or 8-cell embryo, a 16-64-cell morula is formed, the cells of which continue to divide. And only on the second day after the IVF procedure, it turns into a blastocyst, consisting of hundreds of cells.

As early as 3-4 days, the blastocyst leaves its membrane and “finds” a suitable place for implantation. On the 5th day, it penetrates the endometrium and only on the 7th day it finishes implantation, after which its cells are divided into two types: those from which the embryo will develop and those from which the placenta will form.

Feelings after embryo transfer

ekoden4.jpg The procedure for replanting blastomeres into the uterine cavity is painless, therefore, it is carried out without anesthesia. Not all patients who have undergone the IVF procedure have specific sensations in 1 dp of five days. This is due to the fact that the implantation of the ovum into the endometrium occurs only 2-7 days after the transfer. Possible specific sensations after embryo replanting include:

  • tension of the muscles of the uterus;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased appetite.

The above symptoms are not grounds for worry or referral to a specialist. Medical assistance is required only in case of vaginal discharge earlier than 7 days after embryo transfer.

Can a fertilized egg fall out of the uterine cavity?

A common fear among women who have undergone IVF is the risk of an embryo falling out of the uterus. The loss of the ovum from the uterine cavity even before its implantation into the endometrium is excluded. The uterus is a muscular organ that communicates with the vagina through a hollow muscular tube (cervix). After the IVF procedure, it shrinks, which prevents the penetration of embryos into the vagina.

Scientists conducted a study, during which women were divided into two groups, after which air bubbles were introduced into the uterine cavity. The first group strictly adhered to bed rest, and the second went about their usual activities without restrictions. After a certain time, the specialists evaluated the results: there were no special differences in the position of the "embryos" in the patients of both groups.

Doctor's recommendations

ekoden5.jpg To increase the chances of implanting an embryo into the wall of the uterus, you should:

  1. during the first days after IVF, refuse to take a bath or shower;
  2. avoid heavy lifting and emotional overload;
  3. observe sexual rest for 10-14 days before receiving the results of the hCG test;
  4. exclude foods that provoke flatulence from the diet;
  5. refuse to wear tight clothes (tight jeans, trousers);
  6. take daily half-hour walks in the fresh air.

It is advisable to spend the first days after the IVF procedure at home, alternating between walks and rest. Doctors recommend taking fortified supplements to maintain normal metabolism in the body.


The first days after the transfer of the prepared blastomeres into the uterine cavity are the most responsible, since during this period the implantation of the ovum into the endometrium is observed. The process of blastocyst insertion into the uterine wall occurs within a few days after the IVF procedure. The implantation itself takes no more than 40 hours, during which patients may feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, dizziness and increased uterine tone.

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