K+31 West

A multidisciplinary clinic that combines a polyclinic and a hospital for adults and children, a 24-hour diagnostic center and a trauma center

What does the life of a modern city dweller consist of? Traffic jams, traffic, a series of meetings... The desire to plan everything and be on time everywhere... Schedules and deadlines, deadlines and tasks. A huge flow of information, we are online 24/7 - calls, letters, social networks. There is catastrophically little time left for yourself and your loved ones. I will not tell you "this is wrong" and "this cannot be done". This is a reality that must be accepted. Understanding this, we opened a new branch of K + 31 in the format of a family clinic near your home with a full range of services for adults and children and a convenient reception schedule for a hard-working person - both on weekdays and weekends.

In our work, we focus on ensuring that each member of your family can receive all the necessary medical services, including high-tech research and expert-level consultations, in the shortest possible time and in one place - at the K + 31 West Clinic. You only need to choose what exactly it will be: an appointment at our center, telemedicine or a home consultation. And we guarantee an individual approach and the highest quality.

Yelishev Vladimir Gennadievich
General Director of K+31 "West"
K+31 occupies one of the leading positions in the capital's healthcare. High quality of medical care has been achieved thanks to the development of the best traditions of medical science and practice, the introduction of the best methods and protocols, the use of innovative medical technologies and the latest equipment.
Churadze Boris Tamazovich
Chief physician of the medical network K+31, candidate of medical sciences
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Free appointment with a plastic surgeon
The timing of the promotion is up to 31 december 2024 year

Dreaming of the perfect look? We invite you to a free consultation with a plastic surgeon at K+31 clinics.

About the clinic

About Us

The diagnostic center of the clinic is equipped with advanced endoscopic equipment and expert-class ultrasound machines.

K+31 West has its own laboratory, with the ability to perform more than 3,500 types of tests.

The oncology department of K+31 West practices a comprehensive approach to cancer therapy, which includes modern diagnostic methods (PET, CT, MRI) and treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery). PET-CT diagnostics and radiation therapy are available to patients both for cash and under the compulsory medical insurance.

The clinic offers the following areas: therapy, urology, pulmonology, gynecology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, cardiology, rheumatology, psychotherapy, neurology, manual therapy and osteopathy, reflexology, physiotherapy, traumatology-orthopedics department, otolaryngology, surgery, dentistry, plastic surgery, allergology and immunology, dermatocosmetology.

We care about our patients, building trusting relationships based on confidentiality and respect.

Our principle is convenient, maximally understandable and personalized treatment for each patient!

Features of the K+31 West Clinic

  • High-quality medical care and high level of service.
  • Modern medical equipment from leading global manufacturers allows for high-quality and detailed diagnostics.
  • Full cycle of medical care: from a doctor's appointment to high-tech treatment.
  • Highly qualified medical staff with extensive experience.
  • Comfort and ergonomics - for both doctors and patients.
  • Accessibility for patients with disabilities.
  • Multi-disciplinary comfortable hospital.
  • Own laboratory.

Departmental scheme


The clinic has advanced diagnostic equipment:

  • GE Signa Voyager magnetic resonance imaging system with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla. Diagnostics are performed: for adults weighing up to 250 kg, for patients in serious condition and for children
  • GE Revolution CT ES computed tomography system (256 slices) allows for high visualization with low radiation exposure
  • Senographe Crystal Nova mammograph
  • GE Brivo DR-F digital X-ray system

We offer corporate clients – representatives of both Russian and foreign companies – full medical care according to the selected portfolio. In addition, we are interested in building a full-fledged partnership with companies that host foreign tourists in Russia.

For representatives of the hotel segment, we have developed and implemented an effective system for servicing foreign guests. Thanks to our offer, high-level hotels will be able to provide their clients with qualified medical care of international standards – around the clock, with the involvement of translators and specialists.


Primary appointment of a therapist
from 4 350 ₽
Primary appointment of a leading obstetrician-gynecologist
from 5 700 ₽
Primary appointment of a cosmetologist
from 3 600 ₽
Primary appointment of an oncologist
from 4 950 ₽
Therapist's appointment at home within 30 km outside the MKAD
from 18 350 ₽
Pediatrician's appointment at home within 30 km outside the MKAD
from 17 300 ₽
Primary appointment of a traumatologist-orthopedist
from 4 950 ₽
Computed tomography of chest organs
from 8 060 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
from 8 960 ₽
from 9 520 ₽
Complete blood count (detailed)
from 1 020 ₽
Clinic programs K+31 West
«Optimal» (K+31 West)
Polyclinic services, diagnostics, medically indicated treatment, home care.
Women's Health Management
Women's Health Management Program - an annual checkup with a preventive approach
Men's Health Management
Men's Health Management Program - an annual checkup with a preventive approach
Preventive Express Check-Up
Preventive express check-up (introduction to the preventive approach)
All programs of K+31 clinics

Appointment with a doctor

Fill out the form, our managers will contact you within 15 minutes
The influence of progesterone receptor levels on prognosis in patients with advanced breast cancer
A CDK4/6 inhibitor in combination with endocrine therapy is the standard first-line therapy for patients with advanced hormone-receptor-positive (HR) breast cancer...
07 october 2024 year
Breakthrough in oncology: treatment of metastatic melanoma with the drug "Nurdati"
Recently, a young patient with a relapse of metastatic melanoma came to the K+31 West clinic. After successful remission on targeted drugs, the disease made itself felt again. An important task arose - to choose a new approach to treatment...
07 october 2024 year
VII International Forum of Oncology and Radiotherapy “For Life – For Life”
The forum is a significant event in the oncology industry, the oncologist, radiotherapist of the K+31 Clinic - Svetlana Andreevna Ter-Arutyunyants spoke.
27 september 2024 year
Egg donation: a step towards a successful future
Clinic K+31 Petrovsky Gate is resuming its oocyte donation program. For potential donors, this is a great chance not only to make money, but also to give infertile couples a chance at long-awaited parenthood.
24 september 2024 year
Our doctors on the international stage!
Recently, doctors from the K+31 West clinic, Lev Olegovich Kneller and Fadi Salemovich Aude, took part in the Annual Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Vreden Readings”.
02 september 2024 year
K+31 West held a special excursion for high school students from the “First Movement” together with RUDN University
Recently, the K+31 West clinic held a special excursion for high school students from the “First Movement” together with RUDN University. Our future doctors saw the international level of medical services, looked into the radiology department, where cancer is treated according to world standards, and learned about advanced diagnostic methods.
15 august 2024 year
Preoperative iron supplementation is better for treating iron deficiency anemia
Iron administration is associated with a significant reduction in 30-day postoperative mortality and morbidity compared with red blood cell transfusion
11 august 2024 year
Oncology news digest 04.08.2024
Amivantamab plus Lasertinib versus Osimertinib for first-line treatment of EGFR-mutated advanced NSCLC.
04 august 2024 year
Oncology news digest 07/21/2024

Long-term results of adjuvant therapy with dabrafenib and trametinib in stage III melanoma. COMBI-AD study.

21 july 2024 year
Doctors K+31 - at the conference of the Russian Society of Rhinologists in Kaliningrad
The clinic was presented by Anastasia Vladimirovna Varvyanskaya, otolaryngologist K+31 West. The headliner of the conference was Professor Andrei Stanislavovich Lopatin, President of the Russian Society of Rhinologists.
11 july 2024 year
We develop new competencies
The laboratory for the treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias is open.
11 july 2024 year
Oncology news digest 07.07.2024
Neoadjuvant nivolumab and ipilimumab for resectable stage III melanoma
07 july 2024 year
Oncology news digest 30.06.2024
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II trial of oxybutynin versus placebo for the treatment of hot flashes in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy.
30 june 2024 year
Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Diet on Prostate Cancer Progression
Involvement of tumor-associated macrophages and GPR120 dependence in the tumor microenvironment.
27 june 2024 year
Medical center K+31 West won the 2GIS 2023 award in the category "Best medical center 2023"!

The 2GIS Award is a sign of quality and an indicator of the sympathy of city residents.

30 may 2024 year
The right to quality of life: K+31 hosted a round table for doctors on pain management in cancer patients

Top experts from K+31 and other clinics discussed a personalized approach to the assessment and treatment of pain in cancer patients.

29 may 2024 year
Training in innovative methods at K+31 West

K+31 is not only multidisciplinary clinics, but also training centers for doctors from different countries and cities. We are always happy to broadcast advanced techniques that we use ourselves.

29 may 2024 year
Full perspective: multidisciplinary clinics open up new opportunities in gynecology

A round table was held at the K+31 West clinic, where experts discussed advanced diagnostic technologies...

18 march 2024 year
Oncology news digest 01.02.2024

On air "Oncology News Digest", prepared by doctors from our Oncology Department!

01 february 2024 year
Oncology news digest 17.01.2024

Today is Wednesday, which means that the Oncology News Digest, prepared by the doctors of our Oncology Department, is on air!

17 january 2024 year
Oncology news digest 12.01.2024

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today, our conversation focuses on the latest research in oncology, which provides important prospects for the treatment of esophageal and cervical cancer.

12 january 2024 year
Oncology news digest 10.01.2024

The author of the column is Igor Aleksandrovich Merkulov, oncologist, deputy chief physician for oncology at the K+31 West clinic. You can always ask Igor Alexandrovich a question, or get his online consultation.

10 january 2024 year
Karpova Maria Andreevna
The doctor's experience is more than 12 years. Maria Andreevna was awarded the honorary All-Russian ProDoctors Award 2023, taking third place in the category of the best mammologist in Moscow.
20 december 2023 year
Shafer Anna Gennadievna
She has been faithful to her profession for more than 20 years. Anna Gennadievna’s merits were confirmed by the All-Russian ProDoctors Award 2023, which awarded her third place in the category of the best nutritionist in Moscow.
20 december 2023 year
Pustovoit Alexey Alexandrovich
The merits of Alexey Alexandrovich were noted by the All-Russian ProDoctors Award 2023, which is significant in the world of medicine, according to which he was awarded third place among phlebologists in Moscow.
20 december 2023 year
Кубанова Мадина Кубановна
Pediatric endocrinologist from the pediatrics department with extensive experience - more than 20 years. She took first place in the nomination for the best pediatric endocrinologist in Moscow, receiving the prestigious All-Russian ProDoctor Award 2023
18 december 2023 year
Shamsetdinova Leyla Tagirovna

A doctor with 14 years of experience who relieves children of eye diseases. Thanks to her multiple merits, she was awarded the coveted ProDoctors 2023 award as the best pediatric ophthalmologist in Moscow.

18 december 2023 year
Pambukhchyan Nadezhda Samvelovna

Radiologist and oncologist-mammologist from the mammology center of the K+31 Clinic. Nadezhda Samvelovna was awarded the All-Russian ProDoctors Prize 2023. She took third place as the best radiologist in Moscow.

18 december 2023 year
Oncology round table at K+31 West: “Treatment of cancer patients requires the effort and diligence of all doctors”

The K+31 West clinic hosted a round table for oncology doctors and representatives of patient organizations. Experts from different regions discussed how to jointly improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

14 october 2023 year
The Department of Pediatrics K+31 on Lobachevskogo celebrates its seventh anniversary!

The Department of Pediatrics K+31 on Lobachevskogo celebrates its seventh anniversary! Incredible How quickly time flies, especially when you care about the most valuable thing - the health of your children.

18 september 2023 year
Our clinics
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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