Early diagnosis


Regular digital mammography is the only method for early diagnosis of breast cancer with proven effectiveness. It is a reliable, fast, inexpensive diagnostic method to rule out health problems before symptoms appear.

Authoritative medical communities from different countries are unanimous in the opinion that mammography is optimal as a screening (that is, preliminary) method for examining women.

If necessary, after mammography, the patient is referred for other diagnostic procedures.

It must be remembered that in a group of women at high risk of developing breast cancer (identified mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2, p53, PTEN, CDH-1, CHEK2 genes, a burdened family history, radiation therapy for lymphogranulomatosis), the examination begins with an annual magnetic resonance imaging contrast-enhanced tomography at age 25.


If nothing bothers you, the examination must be taken from the age of 40. One of the largest international studies (link to article) showed that performing mammography once a year from the age of 40 reduces mortality from breast cancer by 50%.

If you have changes in your breasts (skin color, shape, nipple discharge, pain).

If there is a genetic predisposition (mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2, p53, PTEN, CDH-1, CHEK2 genes have been identified), mammography must be performed starting at the age of 35 in addition to the annual magnetic resonance imaging.

What for?

The main purpose of the annual examination is to detect breast cancer at stages 0 and I.

According to the World Health Organization, every 8 women in the world develop breast cancer. However, at an early stage (0 and I) -99% of women live without a relapse of the disease, 98% of women undergo organ-preserving surgery, which allows them to preserve the aesthetic side of life.

It's unhealthy?

During mammography, the radiation exposure will be as low as during the flight from Moscow to New York. Hundreds of people make this journey every day, staying healthy.

It hurts?

At the time of fixation of the breast with a plate, you may experience slight discomfort, which lasts a few seconds. To reduce possible discomfort at the time of the study, you need to relax. Our center has a unique technical ability to control the degree of pressure of the pressure plate on the mammary gland independently, making the study as comfortable as possible for every woman.

If you were uncomfortable with a previous study, try scheduling your next study on days 7-12 of your menstrual cycle.

What to replace?

Mammography is currently the only recommended method for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. Methods such as MRI and ultrasound are additional and are prescribed according to indications.

Service record


All specialists
Maria Andreevna

Head of the mammological center


Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Sergey Evgenyevich

Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon

Maya Otarovna

Radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, oncologist-mammologist

Maria Yaroslavovna

Oncologist, radiologist, mammologist

Kseniya Victorovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, surgeon

Nadezhda Samvelovna

Radiologist, ultrasound specialist

Lia Eduardovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, surgeon

Elena Yurievna

Surgeon, oncologist (mammologist), ultrasound diagnostician