Rehabilitation of ostomy patients

  • According to the WHO, the number of people with stoma in Russia is about 100,000
  • People with a stoma are not sick and are not socially different from other people
  • A comfortable life with an ostomy is possible with proper training and supervision of an ostomy patient

Stoma is not a disease. This is a hole in the hollow organ, created surgically due to a certain disease. If a hole is formed in the colon, then it is called a colostomy or unnatural anus, if the hole is in the bladder - a cystostomy. Through the colostomy, bowel movement occurs. Due to the fact that the stoma has no sphincter and nerve endings, ostomy patients do not feel the urge and cannot control the emptying process.

Rehabilitation of patients with stoma in the clinic K+31

Specialists of the Department of Coloproctology conducts all types of reconstructive operations on the stoma and to restore intestinal continuity.

In working with ostomy patients, clinic K+31 specialists adhere to an individual approach. In each case, it is necessary to solve various problems. 30 years of experience working with people with stoma allows us to successfully solve the medical and psychological issues of patients, to achieve rapid adaptation to a new lifestyle.

The program of work with ostomy patients has the following objectives:

  • in the shortest possible time to help the patient adapt to his new state
  • to select and train the patient to use colostomy bags and other stoma care products
  • teach the patient how to properly care for the stoma, so as not to make serious changes in the usual way of life
  • maintain working capacity, active life position and comfortable lifestyle

Consultation of patients with stoma in the clinic K+31

Lack of awareness and lack of necessary psychological preparation can be the main causes of stress and depression in stomatized patients in the postoperative period. Modern medicine makes it possible to avoid many of the inconveniences associated with stoma. Thanks to the means of rehabilitation, the patient may not think about the appearance of problems in public places, at work and at home.

The tasks of clinic K+31 include professional consultation of ostomy patients, which allows you to give answers to questions related to the stoma:

  • Is there a possibility of reconstructive surgery, and how long can it be performed?
  • What modern stoma care products are there?
  • In what position should I replace the kalopriemnik and what needs to be prepared for the toilet stoma?
  • What to do with the used kalopriyemnik?
  • Which hole should be cut out in the air bag?
  • Can a stoma hurt?
  • Do I need to wear postoperative bandage and for how long?
  • Will the stoma change and how?
  • Can there be constipation and what to do with diarrhea?
  • Can I wear a swimsuit?
  • Are there any restrictions when playing sports?
  • Can a stomiy travel?
  • Is it possible to continue a normal sex life after such an operation?
  • Can an ostomy woman get pregnant and have a baby?

The list of questions may be different. In clinic K+31 you will be given an answer to any of them.

Postoperative complications in ostomy patients

Postoperative complications are divided into complications from the stoma and from the skin. From the stoma, they can develop in the near and distant postoperative periods.

The most common complications are:

  • bleeding,
  • cicatricial narrowing
  • bowel prolapse,
  • necrosis of the removed intestine,
  • paracolostomy hernia,
  • pseudopolyposis of the mucosa of the prestomal section of the intestine.

Less common are small bowel event near the colostomy, paracolostomy fistulas and abscesses, colostomy retraction, intestinal obstruction.

Skin complications occur in almost every patient with a stoma: contact dermatitis, redness, maceration, erosion, vesicles. This is due to the fact that the skin around the stoma is constantly exposed to the glue surfaces of the kalopriemniki and the discharge from the stoma. Over time, it loses its natural ability to regenerate. Large skin problems occur in patients with a “vicious” stoma due to skin irregularities, improper positioning or retraction of the stoma. Often, such patients simply suffer pain, not assuming that modern stoma care products stimulate skin regeneration and eliminate skin complications.

Clinic K+31 specialists will select for you an individual set of tools to prevent painful skin reactions, prescribe the necessary treatment to eliminate complications and a set of preventive measures against the recurrence of problems. If necessary, surgical correction is performed to eliminate the existing defect. For those patients who have the opportunity to return the natural act of defecation, reconstructive surgery with the elimination of intestinal stoma is prescribed.

Service record


All specialists
Valery Mikhailovich

Leading specialist in coloproctology, coloproctologist


Kirill Valerevich


PhD, Docent

Gulmira Mustafaevna

Doctor surgeon, coloproctologist


Anna Stanislavovna

Coloproctologist, endoscopist