Cosmetic proctology

Cosmetic proctology is a new direction in medicine, the main purpose of which is to correct various cosmetic defects in the perianal region. Of course, for a certain part of the population this concept may seem somewhat inappropriate, however, under the mask of cosmetology lies not only the restoration of the aesthetic image, but also the elimination of various anatomical and functional changes that worsen the patient's quality of life.

In what cases may you need the help of cosmetology proctology?

The main diseases and conditions with which cosmetology proctology works include:

  • Anal fissures;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Benign neoplasms: polyps, condylomas, papillae and fringes of the perianal zone (skin surrounding the anal canal).

All these changes in the anal ring, although they do not pose a great danger (in the initial stages of development), but from the very moment of their appearance cause significant discomfort. Moreover, over time, these defects can turn from a cosmetic problem into a real health hazard.

Anal fissure is a skin defect located directly above the external anal sphincter . It occurs with chronic constipation, diarrhea, metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases of the rectum and skin in the perianal zone. The patient is worried about itching, burning, discomfort in the anus. During bowel movements there are severe stitching pains that reflexively close the external anal sphincter (sphincterospasm), which further enhances the discomfort. As the anal fissure increases, the risk of bleeding increases.

A similar development of events can be observed when various benign neoplasms appear on the skin of the anus. Initially, they are asymptomatic (especially fringes and polyps), but as they grow, they are injured, inflamed, discomfort, pain begin to appear. Large and ulcerated polyps and condylomas can bleed.

In the case of hemorrhoids, the clinical picture at first is not so pronounced, but here the consequences are serious:

  • Proctitis (inflammation of the membranes of the rectum or surrounding tissues);
  • Bleeding (occur during exercise and bowel movements, there is a risk of large blood loss);
  • Pelvic vein thrombosis (leads to disruption of the pelvic organs);
  • Thromboembolism (life-threatening condition).

That is why cosmetology proctology is designed to promptly eliminate diseases of the rectum at the earliest stages.

Diagnostic methods in cosmetology proctology

In cosmetology proctology, the main diagnostic method is the simplest: using the usual physical examination (medical history, examination, finger examination), it is not difficult to make a correct diagnosis. In complex cases, rectoscopy, transrectal ultrasound, a biopsy of suspicious lesions for the presence of malignant growth are performed.

Treatment methods in cosmetology proctology

Clinic K + 31 has the most modern equipment, which makes it possible to perform various cosmetic procedures in proctology painlessly, with little trauma, with a minimal risk of relapse. This is facilitated by careful monitoring of the patient in the postoperative period, as well as the preparation of individual recommendations for the prevention of the re-occurrence of various pathologies of the rectum.

The use of laser technology makes it possible to conduct coagulation of anal fissures and sclerotherapy of dilated hemorrhoidal veins under out-patient conditions under local anesthesia. After this type of treatment, the recovery period takes only a few hours, i.e. the patient does not need hospitalization.

Treatment of benign neoplasms is carried out using a radio wave scalpel, the main advantages of which are:

  • Low invasiveness of surrounding tissues (significantly speeds up the healing process with a minimal risk of developing rough scars) and the absence of a burn;
  • Lack of stimulation of nerve endings and, accordingly, painful contractions of adjacent muscles;
  • Simultaneous coagulation of small vessels (prevention of bleeding);
  • High aesthetics of the result.

The specialists of K + 31 Clinic provide comprehensive assistance and individual attitude to each patient.

Service record


All specialists
Valery Mikhailovich

Leading specialist in coloproctology, coloproctologist


Kirill Valerevich


PhD, Docent

Gulmira Mustafaevna

Doctor surgeon, coloproctologist


Anna Stanislavovna

Coloproctologist, endoscopist