First menstruation

The first period is an important and exciting stage of puberty. The onset of menstruation indicates serious physiological changes in the body. In order for this event not to become a great stress for the girl, she must be prepared in advance. This responsible mission falls on the shoulders of the mother. After all, there is no more reliable and wiser friend and advisor for a girl than her own mother. Some parents also prefer to choose their medical assistants: a psychologist and a gynecologist.

When is it necessary to have a conversation about the first menstruation?

The physiology of the female body is arranged in such a way that the beginning of the first months will be known in advance. About a year before the onset of menstruation, a girl has the following symptoms:

  • hair growth begins in the armpit and pubic area;
  • white discharge appears;
  • possible acne on the face, chest or back;
  • the curves of the figure are noticeably rounded.

These manifestations indicate that the sebaceous glands and sex hormones were activated in the girl's body.

mes1.jpg The age that is considered the norm for the first menstruation is 12-14 years. It is also worth noting that the representatives of the modern generation may have their periods earlier - at 10 years old. Too early (before 8 years) or later (after 15 years) manifestation of puberty is a reason for a visit to a gynecologist, as it may indicate various pathologies.

In a conversation with your daughter, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  • Personal hygiene rules. Explain to your child the importance of good personal hygiene on the days of your period. Talk about using pads and tampons. Please note that hygiene products should always be with you, as the cycle is just being set.
  • The onset of pain. Let your daughter know that pain during her period is normal. Tell us briefly about the physiology of the process, without going into details. Light gymnastics will help ease the pain, which stimulates blood circulation. While heavy physical activity must be temporarily excluded.
  • Consequences of sexual intercourse. Many adolescents are sexually active much earlier than their parents think. In order to avoid unwanted pregnancy or infection with sexually transmitted diseases, the mother should be told about the consequences of intimate relationships and the rules of contraception.
  • Period calendar. Teach your child to keep a menstrual calendar.

Warning signs of the first menstruation

Menstruation for the first time can take place in completely different variations: abundant or scanty, accompanied by severe or mild pain, prolonged (7 days) or shorter (3-5 days), with brown or bloody discharge.

mes2.jpg However, there are warning signs that should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist. These include:

  • The girl is losing or gaining weight dramatically.
  • Menstruation is accompanied by very severe abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting, headaches.
  • There is an itching or burning sensation in the perineum.
  • Long delay (more than 1.5 months). It is worth paying attention to the fact that the first year of the menstrual cycle is unstable. It ranges from 21 to 40 days.
  • The duration of menstruation is more than 7 days.

Information from the Internet, magazines and girlfriends stories is available for every girl. However, do not shy away from an important conversation with your child. A timely conversation will help avoid unwanted stress and serious consequences.

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