7 days after embryo transfer

After the procedure of puncture of the female genital glands, 3-5 days pass and one of the most crucial moments comes - the transfer (transfer) of the embryo to the uterus. Injection of a diploid cell into a woman's body takes no more than 5-7 minutes, but the success of the IVF procedure will depend on the correctness of the performed manipulations, the quality of the blastomeres and the patient's behavior.

Features of in vitro fertilization

7dafter2.jpg In vitro fertilization is a modern reproductive technology that is used for infertility. During the procedure, an oocyte is removed from the ovaries and fertilized in vitro. After that, the diploid cell is cultured in a special incubator for 3-5 days.

At what point the reproductologist decides to transfer the embryo into the uterus, focusing on the degree of readiness of the endometrium for implantation. It is believed that five-day embryos take root better, but not all fertilized oocytes can survive to the transfer at the appointed time.

7 days after conception - signs of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy appear within 10-14 days after the successful introduction of a diploid cell into the endometrium. Implantation of the embryo is preceded by hatching, during which the blastocyst leaves the protein membrane and plunges into the uterine wall. This process can be accompanied by the evacuation of mucous discharge from the vagina and a small amount of blood.

7dafter4.jpg Signs of pregnancy:

  • pulling pain in the abdomen;
  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent urination;
  • bloating;
  • emotional lability.

On the seventh day after the IVF procedure, the engrafted embryo begins to actively develop. This is evidenced by the excess production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Changes in hormonal levels can affect a woman's overall well-being.

1 week after embryo transfer - sensations

The severity of signs of pregnancy is determined by the stages of development of the embryo after transfer to the uterine cavity:

  • Day 1 - the membrane around the blastocyst bursts and it comes out for further implantation into the loosened endometrium;
  • Day 2 - the fertilized egg touches the wall of the uterus and prepares for penetration into the mucous membrane;
  • Day 3 - the blastocyst is implanted and deepened into the soft tissues of the reproductive organ;
  • Day 4 - the formation of germ layers occurs, after which the blastocyst turns into a gastrula;
  • Day 5 - the gastrula grows into the endometrium and begins to receive nutrients from it;
  • Day 6 - the primary formation of the placenta and the tube connecting the fetus with the mother's body occurs;
  • Day 7 - the embryo begins to secrete hCG, which stimulates further intrauterine development.

On the fifth day after the transfer of the diploid cell, it is possible to increase the discomfort in the abdomen. The process of introducing gastrula into the endometrium can be painful and accompanied by minor bleeding.

7 DPP - test

7dafter3.jpg The first significant release of hCG is determined on the seventh day after IVF, but its concentration is still too low to judge the success of the procedure. In 90% of cases, specialists refer patients for hCG analysis on the 14th day after embryo transfer.

In case of successful embryo transplantation, the specialist determines the concentration of the hormone in the mother's body. This allows you to accurately calculate the optimal course of pregnancy, taking into account the use of hormonal drugs. On the 25th day, the woman goes for an ultrasound scan, with the help of which the location of the fetus and its condition are determined.

7 DPP five days

In the case of in vitro fertilization, late implantation of blastomeres is observed, since the embryo finds itself in unusual conditions and it takes some time to adapt. The final introduction of diploid cells into the endometrium is observed on the 5th day after IVF.

According to statistics, the probability of successful implantation of three-day embryos is lower than when using more mature blastomeres. However, under conditions of artificial cultivation, no more than 45% of embryos survive up to five days. Only the highest quality embryos are selected from them, which are subsequently implanted into the uterus.

7 DPP five days - test

Pregnancy tests can identify symptoms of gestation in the early stages, even before the onset of characteristic symptoms. During the delivery of a urine or blood test, the content of hCG in the body is determined. The production of the hormone is due to the secretory activity of the tissues of the embryo. An increased content of the hormone in a woman's body signals the onset of pregnancy.

On the 7th day after replanting the embryo, hCG is just beginning to be excreted into the blood, it is almost impossible to determine its concentration at this stage of gestation. The first test is carried out on the 14th day after successful fertilization, while the concentration of the hormone is measured in mU / ml.

7 DPP five-day period - hCG

7dafter1.jpg The content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood directly depends on what type of embryo was implanted into the uterus. "Five days" develop rather slowly, which affects the content of hCG in the blood serum.

HCG indicators on the 14th day after the IVF procedure:

  • up to 29 mU / ml - pregnancy did not occur or the embryo died;
  • 105-170 mU / ml - pregnancy has begun and is proceeding normally;
  • over 170 mU / ml - multiple pregnancy.

The probability of a successful conception largely depends on the behavior of the patients themselves. To maintain pregnancy after IVF, you should:

  1. observe bed rest on the first day after the procedure;
  2. exclude foods that cause flatulence from the diet;
  3. lead a sedentary lifestyle for 1-2 months;
  4. avoid sharp inclines, car trips;
  5. reduce physical and emotional stress to a minimum.

It is also recommended to normalize sleep and wakefulness by providing adequate sleep lasting from 8 hours. Compliance with simple recommendations increases the likelihood of successful implantation and embryo residence by 30-40%.

HCG analysis - delivery rules

The concentration of hormones in the body of the expectant mother is determined by taking venous blood. Reproductive experts recommend taking tests in the morning on an empty stomach - at least 8-9 hours should pass between the last meal and blood donation. If a woman is taking over-the-counter drugs, she should inform her doctor a few days before the tests.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is necessary not only to determine gestation. The test for the content of hCG should also be taken in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy in order to identify defects in the development of the child. Correction of maintenance therapy can prevent up to 25% of congenital pathologies and anomalies.


On the 7th day after the embryo transfer, the patient may complain of nagging abdominal pain, mucous discharge from the vagina and malaise. Symptoms indicate the implantation of the embryo into the uterus and the production of hCG. Pregnancy tests are carried out only on the 14th day after IVF, which is associated with a relatively low concentration of the mentioned hormone in the blood.

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