Vaser liposuction and liposculpture

How to get a perfect relief body if you don't want to exhaust yourself with physical activity, and long diets do not give the desired effect?

K+31 now has unique minimally invasive techniques that allow you to get a result in a short time.

With the help of liposuction on the VASER device, you can work out any areas with any amount of fat.

This method allows you to delete in 2! times more fat cells than conventional liposuction, even in the most difficult areas. For example, you can remove fat between the muscles and even get the cherished cubes on the stomach.

Thanks to the unique technology, the risk of injury to nerves and blood vessels is minimal.

For this reason:

  • Rehabilitation takes a very short time.
  • Hematomas are practically not formed.
  • The skin at the site of the procedure is tightened.
  • Over time, traces of interference become completely invisible.

Liposuction with VASER is also suitable for patients who managed to lose weight, but then "got up". In this case, the procedure is carried out as the final stage to achieve the greatest result.

How is the procedure going?

Before starting, a marking of the area that the patient wants to improve is carried out. Then anesthesia is applied, and the plastic surgeon proceeds directly to the liposuction.

A small puncture is made in the skin through which a tube is inserted. Ultrasound is sent to it - fat cells are destroyed and immediately removed.

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