Full body MRI examination

For a comprehensive diagnosis of the state of the body, the program includes therapist's appointments, laboratory tests and MRI of the whole body.

When buying services in a complex, in the program, the benefit will be more than 30%.

Whole body MRI is a high-tech procedure that allows you to assess the condition of all organs and tissues of the body in one go.

The data obtained during the research is very accurate and allows you to detect:

  • The patient's predisposition to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders.
  • Disorders in the spine (displacement, hernia, etc.).
  • Brain pathologies, including aneurysm and/or signs of vasoconstriction.
  • Anomalies and injuries of the joints.
  • Cancer and precancerous formations, often even when they are at an early stage and do not manifest themselves in any way.

In addition, full-body MRI can help assess the progress of certain treatments.

At K+31, everything possible has been done to make the MR examination comfortable for the patient:

  • Headphones with a pleasant melody.
  • Lightweight coils that do not exert excess pressure.
  • Fast research.
  • Constant communication with a specialist.

The tomograph in K+31 3 Tesla is practically the maximum value available today in diagnostic practice.


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