Full cycle cardiology in K+31

For many years, diseases of the cardiovascular system have been considered the most dangerous and insidious. As a rule, a person does not notice symptoms in the early stages, the disease develops latently for several years, until the processes lead to irreversible changes.

Unfortunately, in recent decades there has been a trend towards a decrease in the average age of patients with problems of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, preventive examination of the heart is recommended to be carried out regularly, this will help prevent the development of the disease and avoid severe and long-term treatment.

Specialists of the K+31 West clinic conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system in 1-2 days.

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In the absence of pathology of the cardiovascular system and the absence of complaints, at a young age it is important to assess the individual risk of cardiovascular complications in the future, to plan measures that will help reduce it.

Diagnostics includes the following examinations:

  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart).
  • Daily ECG monitoring (24, 48 and 72 hours, 3 and 12-channel).
  • Daily monitoring of blood pressure.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • Bicycle ergometry*.
  • Laboratory diagnostics.

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Specialists of the K+31 clinic recommend seeking medical help at the first, barely noticeable symptoms:

  • Pain or burning in the chest, behind the shoulder blade, or sensations radiating to the left arm.
  • Jumps in blood pressure.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Fatigue, dizziness, flies in the eyes, loss of consciousness.
  • An increase in blood cholesterol.
  • Edema of the lower extremities.

Take care of yourself and don't put off seeing a doctor when symptoms appear.

Thank you for the information provided by the cardiologist, functional diagnostics doctor K+31 West Tatiana Vyacheslavovna Goryunova.

*A stress test (veloergometry) is carried out only after an examination by a cardiologist in the absence of contraindications.

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