Chernyaeva Natalia Alekseevna
Врач высшей категории
Experience: 26 years
Holds reception in branches:
K+31 West | Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22
Primary appointment: from 4200 ₽
Repeated appointment: from 2100 ₽
Treatment Profile
He is engaged in anesthesia and anesthesia for the patient during the operation, maintenance of vital functions during the operation, performs postoperative pain relief and observation of the patient.
About the doctor
Professional skills
- Anesthesiological support of operations, diagnostic and treatment procedures, monitoring of respiration and blood circulation.
- Performing general multicomponent anesthesia.
- Puncture and catheterization of the central veins under ultrasound guidance, puncture of the radial artery.
- Performing spinal, epidural anesthesia and their combination.
- Intensive care of critical conditions. Pulmonary-cardiac resuscitation.
- Organization of hospital transfusion service.
At the reception
- Consultation, patient preparation for surgery, choice of anesthesia method, risk assessment.
- Treatment of perioperative pain, prolonged epidural analgesia.
- Selection of respiratory therapy.
- Selection of parenteral and enteral nutrition.
- Selection of transfusiological therapy taking into account the disease, conducting auto-sampling of blood.
Professional Development
- Printed works, reports at conferences.
- Member of MNOAR.
- Central segmental blockade in the treatment of patients with large and giant abdominal hernias, assessment of the functional state of the lungs and the use of high epidural blockade in the prevention of respiratory disorders in hernioplasty.
Foreign language skills
- English.
Language skills
- Russian
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