Treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic progressive eye disease. In terms of frequency of diagnosis, it can be compared with farsightedness, myopia, strabismus and astigmatism. Persistent or intermittent increase in intraocular pressure gradually leads to the progression of the disease and damage to the retina and optic nerve. It manifests itself in typical visual field defects, and in the absence of adequate and timely treatment leads to complete loss of vision.

  • Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness, it occurs at any age
  • At risk are people with a genetic predisposition, patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, who have a high degree of hyperopia or myopia
  • The disease is completely incurable, but it can be stopped by preventing atrophy of the tissues of the retina and optic nerve head
  • The most dangerous form of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma. In the early stages, it is asymptomatic and without timely diagnosis and treatment has an unfavorable prognosis. For comparison, with angle-closure glaucoma, patients note a decrease in visual acuity together with pain attacks
  • Glaucoma requires constant monitoring and examination by an ophthalmologist

Glaucoma can occur at any age, both in a newborn child and in an elderly person, so it is important to pay attention to certain symptoms in time in order to start treatment immediately. Surgery for glaucoma in the elderly is no different from procedures for younger people and has a similar cost.

The cause of the disease is a change in the inflow and outflow of intraocular fluid, followed by an increase in eye pressure and the development of pathological processes. As a result, all structures of the organ of vision experience a colossal load, gradually leading to the death of the optic nerve fibers. The disease can lead to complete blindness, such loss of vision is irreversible. For this reason, it is important to timely correct eye glaucoma in the early stages.

Specialists of "K+31" recommend not neglecting an examination by an ophthalmologist even if even mild symptoms are detected. Early detection of glaucoma will help stop the irreversible process in time and preserve visual functions. Regular monitoring of the disease allows timely correction of drug treatment or the issue of laser eye correction and surgical treatment of the eye. In our clinic, specialists are actively introducing modern methods of glaucoma treatment, performing such operations as:

  • Laser iridectomy.
  • Deep sclerectomy.
  • Selective laser trabeculoplasty.
  • Non-penetrating deep sclerectomy and other surgical interventions.

Glaucoma symptoms

  • blurred vision, veil before the eye
  • constriction of visual fields
  • appear rainbow circles around the light source
  • a feeling of fullness in the eye, pain
  • impaired vision at dusk and at night


To detect glaucoma, a list of diagnostic manipulations is required to study the visual fields and a thorough examination of the fundus to assess the condition of the optic nerve. We use classic diagnostic methods:

  • Determination of visual acuity.
  • Biomicroscopy.
  • Gonioscopy
  • Pachymetry. It consists in measuring the size of the lens. In some cases, deviations in these parameters are the cause of the development of glaucoma.
  • Intraocular pressure measurement
  • Ophthalmoscopy.

Also, according to indications, optical coherence tomography or computed perimetry is performed. A study using advanced equipment allows you to assess the condition of the optic nerve head and nerve fibers. Thanks to an integrated approach to the diagnosis of eye glaucoma, the use of advanced ophthalmological methods, we can accurately determine the stage of the disease. This is important for selecting the optimal tactics for treating the patient.

At "K+31", an ophthalmologist conducts a detailed individual screening for early detection of this condition.

Glaucoma treatment

It should again be noted that changes in the quality of visual functions in glaucoma is irreversible. And any treatment offered to you, whether it be a drip regimen, laser intervention or surgery, will preserve and maintain those functions of the eye that are not yet affected by this insidious disease. Unfortunately, glaucoma cannot be completely cured. But it is possible to slow down its progression, preserve vision and support nerve fibers.

At "K+31", qualified ophthalmologists will help you choose the right glaucoma treatment that will help prevent further progression of the disease.

At the initial detection of glaucoma, a hypotensive drip regimen (reducing intraocular pressure) is prescribed, then a repeated appointment is mandatory to assess the quality of the treatment received. From the moment of detection of glaucoma, the patient needs constant supervision of an ophthalmologist. Controlling the disease will help preserve vision and avoid detrimental complications.

Most patients for many years do not need other methods of treatment, except for instillation of drops. But there are a number of reasons why you may definitely need the intervention of a laser or abdominal surgeon.

Glaucoma surgery is required in the following cases:

  • no decrease in intraocular pressure at the maximum drip mode,
  • drug intolerance,
  • unstable nature of the glaucomatous process,
  • progression of visual impairment.

It is important to remember that the specialists of our clinic make a decision on the conservative or surgical treatment of glaucoma, taking into account many factors:

  • Stage and form (congenital, age-related, secondary glaucoma, etc.).
  • Intraocular pressure level.
  • The state of the corner in the front camera.
  • Field of view.
  • Number and nature of acute glaucoma attacks (if any).
  • The general health of the patient.

Based on the data of the diagnostic examination, we select the appropriate treatment. The cost of laser glaucoma treatment in Moscow in our clinic is at an affordable level. The price depends on the chosen method, the number of diagnostic measures.

Most importantly, do not forget that glaucoma requires prompt and timely treatment. Even at the first suspicion, do not postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist. Then the disease will not prevent, even after many years, to see the world around us as bright. Make an appointment at the "K+31" clinic in Moscow using a special form on the site. You can request a callback and we will select a convenient appointment time. Our ophthalmologists successfully cope with the set task, as evidenced by numerous testimonials from satisfied patients. We can also perform laser vision correction, come for the treatment of strabismus, cataracts, etc.

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