Hyperopia (hypermetropia) is a visual impairment in which the focal point from the light rays of the considered the object is behind the retina. With this pathology, a person sees objects absolutely poorly at close range. When the object is removed, the visibility becomes clearer and more distinct, especially at a young age. However, with the gradual progression of the disease and with increasing age of the patient, the lens loses its elasticity, and, as before, cannot compensate for the shortcomings of the optical system. Therefore, often during the diagnostic examination, the so-called latent hypermetropia is detected, to which the patient became sensitive only after 45-50 years.

Hypermetropia, including age-related hypermetropia, is diagnosed quite often and is among the common pathologies of the organ of vision, along with astigmatism, strabismus, myopia, cataracts, keratoconus and glaucoma. If farsightedness is diagnosed at an early stage, then in most cases there is a high chance of restoring visual acuity. Clinic specialists recommend correcting the pathology for both children and adults, including age-related farsightedness. Surgical or hardware correction helps to improve the patient's quality of life.

The lack of timely treatment of high-grade farsightedness (hypermetropia) can cause a number of serious complications, including:

  • Glaucoma
  • Amblyopia (when one eye sees worse than the other).
  • Inflammation of tissues in the eye.

Hyperopia, including age-related hypermetropia, is diagnosed quite often and is among the common pathologies of the organ of vision, along with astigmatism, strabismus, myopia, cataracts, keratoconus and glaucoma. If farsightedness is diagnosed at an early stage, then in most cases there is a high chance of restoring visual acuity. Clinic specialists recommend correcting the pathology for both children and adults, including age-related farsightedness. Surgical or hardware correction helps to improve the patient's quality of life.

The lack of timely treatment of high-grade farsightedness (hypermetropia) can cause a number of serious complications, including:

  • Glaucoma
  • Amblyopia (when one eye sees worse than the other).
  • Inflammation of tissues in the eye.


The main cause of farsightedness, as well as myopia, is a change in the anteroposterior size of the eyeball. But if in the second case this size increased, then with hypermetropia it decreases, that is, the eyeball becomes flattened along the longitudinal axis.

The next reason is the insufficient optical power of the cornea, with a normal size of the eyeball. In this case, the cornea does not sufficiently refract the rays coming from the object, and they are concentrated behind the retina.

The third reason for farsightedness is a dysfunction of the lens. It loses its elasticity, poorly refracts light rays and cannot focus them on the retina (weak accommodation). With age, the patient begins to notice not only poor near vision, but also deterioration of long-distance vision. Thus, latent hypermetropia is revealed after 45-50 years. And it comes as a surprise to the patient that he needs correction not only for reading, but also correction with plus glasses for the distance.

A separate point is the so-called senile farsightedness, or presbyopia, mistakenly called refractive pathology. It is the process of presbyopia that is a manifestation of the absolute norm after the age of 45-50 years. The need for reading glasses at this wonderful age appears in every person, not even suffering from myopia or hypermetropia.

The main manifestations of farsightedness

There are three degrees of hypermetropia:

  • Weak - up to +2 D;
  • Medium - +2.25 to +5 D;
  • High - over +5.25 diopters.

At a young age, when the optical system of the eye functions well and the lens copes with accommodation, vision is practically not disturbed. However, indirect signs may indicate the presence of hypermetropia: rapid fatigue when reading (especially text with small print), discomfort in the eyes (pain, burning, feeling of pressure), headaches, dizziness, nausea after prolonged visual stress (reading, working at a computer) .

With age, visual impairment joins these symptoms, when close objects are poorly visible, and distant objects are clearly visible. With the progression of the disease, the ability to see into the distance worsens.

The modern ophthalmological equipment of the "K+31" center in Moscow allows diagnosing the disease at an early stage and choosing a treatment that prevents pathological changes and tissue degeneration. For this, it is important to timelygo for a preventive checkup. Leave a request using the form on the site. Order a call back, and we will definitely select a convenient time for an appointment, examination at the clinic using advanced technologies and devices.


  • visometry (determination of visual acuity without correction and selection of spectacle corrections to clarify the maximum visual acuity)
  • Autorefractokeratometry (objective refraction, refractive power and corneal curvature)
  • tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure)
  • biomicroscopy (assessment of the state of eye structures)
  • keratotopography (the shape of the cornea, its optical power in different areas)
  • pachymetry (corneal thickness)
  • ophthalmometry (determination of the size of the eye)
  • examination of the fundus in conditions of mydriasis (especially if you have laser correction, surgical treatment)

Methods for correcting farsightedness

Correction of farsightedness should be started immediately after diagnosis, to stop the process in time, preventing the development of serious complications.

The easiest way is to select "plus" points. The advantages of this method are ease of use and low material costs. With a slight degree of farsightedness, glasses are used only when reading. Patients with high hypermetropia usually need different reading and distance glasses. The main disadvantage of this method is the inconvenience of wearing glasses, especially for people with an active lifestyle. An alternative option in this case is contact lenses. However, the main drawback of both glasses and contact lenses is that they do not eliminate the disease, but only correct its external manifestations. Thus, the risk of further progression and development of comorbidities remains.

The most common, effective and radical method of treatment today is laser correction of farsightedness. This manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis, takes no more than 20 minutes, is absolutely painless and safe for the patient, it is possible even during pregnancy.

The laser correction technology used in our clinic involves the use of a modern femto-lasik laser. Lasik is distinguished by high precision, minimal tissue trauma. It is important to note that the procedure can be performed up to +6.0D, if the cornea is sufficiently thick and there are no contraindications.

Surgery comes to the rescue when hypermetropia is high. Depending on the characteristics of each situation, our specialists select the most appropriate method. It could be:

  • Installation of an artificial lens. This is necessary when natural, has completely lost its functions.
  • Implantation of a phakic lens.
  • Corneal plastic surgery, it allows you to later resort to the help of a laser, spectacle correction of high degrees of farsightedness and reduces the risk of developing pathologies.

It is important to remember that each operation has contraindications, so for its implementation it is necessary, so that the doctor has a complete picture of the patient's state of health. Leave a request for a consultation using the form on the site, and we will call you back as soon as possible. All patient data is protected in accordance with the privacy policy.

After a detailed diagnostic examination, the doctor will help you determine which method of correction or treatment is right for you. Perhaps it will be chosen in favor of hardware treatment of farsightedness in children and adults. Special exercises may also be prescribed. In any case, the scheme for solving the problem is drawn up taking into account your age, concomitant diseases and a number of other important points. Sometimes special drops are used to treat farsightedness in adults.

We are confident that we can provide you with qualified assistance. Feedback from our patients is a direct confirmation of the quality of services and professionalism of our doctors.

Postoperative period

All operations, with the exception of corneal plasty, are performed within one day, they are less traumatic, and the recovery period is favorable and has practically no consequences.

Specialists of the Department of Ophthalmology and Eye Microsurgery "K+31" keep the health of our patients in focus and recommend systematic monitoring by an ophthalmologist. Our goal is to keep you healthy for as long as possible, so we give effective recommendations to prevent the development of farsightedness in the future.

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