Ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system

General ultrasound examination of the liver and adjacent organs is an ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system. with functional tests. The diagnostic method is used to identify liver pathologies and organ dysfunction in this area.

The multi-level hepatobiliary zone unites the liver, gallbladder with ducts, as well as neighboring abdominal organs - the pancreas and spleen. These organs interact very closely in organizing the digestive process, so a failure in one area invariably affects the condition of others. To assess general and specific functionality, an examination of the entire zone is performed at once.

What is GBS and why examine it

The hepatobiliary system is a complex of internal organs with complex interactions, in which the liver plays a major role. Even small malfunctions in the functioning of one organ entail serious consequences and disruption of the entire system. The examination allows you to identify diseases at the initial stage, when they do not manifest obvious symptoms, and cure them in time.

Ultrasound of GBS - what is it?

The method allows you to examine even small children, pregnant women, and weakened patients. It is very informative regarding the defect of the duct sphincters, the movement of bile, and blood circulation in the vessels.

Pathologies that are most often detected on ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hepatosis.
  • Liver fibrosis.
  • Steatosis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Bile duct dyskinesia.
  • Cholestasis.
  • Tumor or cyst of the pancreas.
  • Inflammation of the spleen.
  • Biliary sludge; obstruction of the bile ducts by clots of condensed bile.
  • Malignant neoplasms.

In newborns, congenital anomalies of the development of organs of the hepatobiliary system are detected. Often such cases require urgent surgical treatment of small patients. Timely, informative diagnosis of GBS by ultrasound helps prevent life-threatening complications.

Indications for the study

Comprehensive ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, and nearby structures can be performed as part of a medical examination or as a separate study.

In medicine, there are three general groups of reasons for prescribing ultrasound of the GBS:

  • The patient’s immediate complaints of poor health, in which the doctor suspects gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Existing diseases of internal organs that require dynamic monitoring.
  • Tracking the dynamics of the patient’s condition after surgery or therapeutic treatment.

Symptoms that may be a reason to prescribe an ultrasound of the GBS:

  • Intractable causeless dyspepsia.
  • Constant nausea, belching, heartburn.
  • Attacks of vomiting with bile.
  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Pain under the ribs, under the sternum, in the liver and/or stomach.
  • Puffiness of the face.
  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes, mucous membranes, skin.
  • Increased fragility of blood vessels, which is manifested by bruises on the body, hemorrhages in the sclera, mucous membranes, and nosebleeds.
  • Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, alternating between them.
  • Dark urine, whitish stool.
  • Flatulence.
  • White coating on the tongue; crimson tongue color.
  • Skin itching, especially in the chest, abdomen, buttocks, and ankles. Rashes in these places.
  • Chronic alcoholism; signs of alcohol intoxication.
  • Consequences of mechanical injury to this area.
  • Identified pathologies: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.
  • An urgent examination is necessary for any intoxication to identify the condition of the organs, as well as the degree of poisoning.

Ultrasound of the GBS is a good opportunity to identify dangerous human diseases. They are signaled by poor laboratory blood test results:

  • Exceeding the maximum permissible threshold for leukocyte concentration, as well as ESR for a long time.
  • Elevated levels of liver enzymes (eg, bilirubin, AST, ALT, α-amylase, alkaline phosphatase hydrolase.
  • Low concentration of thyroid hormones.

Ultrasound is performed as part of an abdominal examination program after long-term use of potent medications, some types of chemotherapy, surgical treatment, intoxication, and injuries.


The examination is harmless, non-invasive, painless, therefore it is prescribed even to pregnant women, chronically ill patients, pediatric patients, and the elderly. However, there are conditions in which diagnostics will be inconclusive or impractical. This:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Acute stages of any disease.
  • Lack of preparation when the patient’s condition is satisfactory.

Diagnosis by ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system is not performed immediately after contrast-enhanced X-ray examination, as well as after endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

How to prepare for the examination

To obtain informative diagnostic results, preparation is required within two to three days. Ignoring the preparatory rules can lead to distortion of the obtained data and the appearance of false artifacts in the visualization area.

  • Correction of the diet will prevent excessive gas formation in the intestines. You should not drink carbonated drinks or kvass. 3 days before the procedure, you need to exclude from the menu dishes with:
    • Legumes (beans, soybeans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans).
    • Cabbage (any variety).
    • Cow's milk, cream.
    • Whole grain products.
    • Sugar, confectionery creams, yeast (bread, baked goods, culinary products, cakes, cookies).
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Fresh vegetables, herbs (salads, cold soups).
  • The ban on fatty fried foods and alcohol, including beer, applies to three preparatory days. The menu should be light, low-fat: puree soups, protein omelettes, cottage cheese and potato casseroles, fish soufflé.
  • You cannot eat raw fruits and berries, drink fruit and vegetable juices, or eat raisins, apricots, nuts, seeds, or bran products.
  • Two days before the session, you should take an absorbent recommended by your doctor (this can be activated carbon according to the scheme of 5 tablets immediately after meals, three times a day).
  • At least 7 hours before the test (for children - four hours) a “fasting regime” should be performed. The last dish should be light - for example, a protein omelet. If the examination is scheduled for the morning, you should come to it hungry.
  • During this period, you should not even drink water (or allow just a couple of sips, no more), smoke, or use chewing gum.
  • Medication intake should be limited before the procedure. If the drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are taken on a regular basis, the issue of temporary discontinuation or changing the dosage regimen should be discussed with your doctor.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity in the GBS area is carried out with functional tests. Therefore, the doctor will warn you in advance about the need to bring a portion of food to the session. It could be:

  • Cottage cheese with fat sour cream or cream.
  • Sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • A glass of cream.

It is enough not to feed infants for 2-3 hours before diagnosis, and, if possible, not to give them water to drink one hour before the session. There is no need for any sedatives, much less the use of anesthetics, because the procedure is completely painless.

Carrying out diagnostics

Everyone knows how an abdominal ultrasound is performed. The patient needs to sit on the couch in front of the device in a supine position. There is no need to connect sensors; diagnostics are performed in contact with the skin using a special handpiece. The doctor determines the size of the manipule before the procedure.

The research follows the following algorithm:

  1. A special gel is applied to the surface of the abdomen, ensuring easy glide of the manipule over the skin.
  2. The doctor sets the desired operating mode of the ultrasound machine.
  3. Moving the handpiece, the doctor observes the localization and condition of the internal organs on the monitor, simultaneously making the necessary measurements.
  4. Doppler ultrasound is used to assess the nature of blood flow in this area.
  5. To assess the contractile function of the gallbladder, the patency of the ducts, and the amount of bile secreted, a functional test is performed. After the first stage of the study, the patient is asked to eat, then the second stage of diagnosis is carried out. The diagnostician will compare the results obtained before and after meals and draw appropriate conclusions.

The procedure takes about half an hour. After diagnosis, the patient can go about his normal activities. It is recommended to eat first so as not to feel weak, and for diabetics not to disrupt their eating regimen.

Deciphering the results

Filling out the standard decoding protocol for ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone occurs directly during the study. The doctor records the measured parameters in the protocol and notes local areas that show pathological changes.

At the end of the document the diagnostician's conclusion will be written. This is not a definitive diagnosis. An accurate diagnosis will be made by the attending physician, taking into account the results of ultrasound, other studies, laboratory tests, and the clinical picture.

Parameters of standards for examining the GBS of an adult patient:

  • Liver. Homogeneous tissue structure of the entire organ, clear contours, correct localization. There are no compacted, enlarged areas. The length of the right lobe reaches 140 mm, thickness up to 120 mm, vertical-oblique direction - up to 150 mm.
  • Gall bladder. It has a uniform filling structure, clear contours, an oval shape without constrictions. Wall thickness is up to 3 mm, organ volume is from 35 to 70 mm.
  • Liver ducts. The walls are smooth, the contours are clear. There are no deformations, pathological expansions, damage to the walls, or stones. Cavity diameter up to 2 mm.
  • Biliary tract. They have no obstructions to the outflow of bile, constrictions, or stones. The diameter of the main one is up to 5-7 mm, the lobar ones - 2-3 mm.
  • Inferior vena cava. It has clearly visible walls. Diameter – up to 15 mm.
  • Spleen. Average echogenicity, homogeneous structure, crescent shape. A clear outline of the parenchyma over the entire surface of the organ. The diameter of the vein is no more than 0.5 mm. The length of the organ is about 120 mm, the transverse size is up to 80 mm.
  • Pancreas. Homogeneous structure, clear contours with smooth edges. The width of the organ is up to 25 mm, length 16-24 mm. Head width – from 32 to 35mm. The thickness of the Wirsong duct is about 2 mm.

If the diagnostic results are doubtful or ambiguous, the diagnostician points out deviations from the norm in the conclusion and writes recommendations. The attending physicians may prescribe further examination or repeat ultrasound diagnostics, depending on the situation, in order to select the optimal treatment.

Where to get a GBS ultrasound

The normal functioning of the hepatobiliary system, in which the main enzymatic, metabolic, metabolic processes of the body occur, affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Therefore, the health of this zone is an important condition for overall human health. Early detection of pathologies makes it possible to treat them in the first stages and not lead to dangerous complications.

The multidisciplinary clinic “K+31” in Moscow has modern digital equipment for ultrasound diagnostics and other types of examination. The high sensitivity of the scanner used in the work allows obtaining results of high diagnostic value. Here you can undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, take tests, and complete a full diagnostic medical examination program.

Prices for all medical services are indicated in the open price list. We value the availability of qualified medical care for all patients, therefore prices are in the average price range for the region with consistently high-quality services and highly qualified doctors and medical personnel. Treatment with us is comfortable and profitable, especially if you take advantage of a medical care program that can be tailored to your needs.

You can make an appointment with a doctor to receive a referral for examination by calling the clinic’s reception desk. Contacts of branches are listed on the official website of “K+31”. Any questions you may have can be asked in the feedback form, and managers will respond within a few minutes.

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All specialists
Saida Faritovna

Gastroenterologist, hepatologist


Ekaterina Ilyinichna

Infectious disease physician