K + 31 is recognized as the leading institution in the development of modern methods of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

On October 7, within the framework of the 20th Anniversary of Gastroenterological Week, the Congress of the Russian Endoscopic Society was held, at which our "association", including the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 2 (Head of Department - Professor S.G. Shapovalyants), City Clinical Hospital (Ch. Doctor - R .A. Maslova), MRC "Clinic K + 31" (chief doctor - candidate of medical sciences B.T. Churazde) was awarded with an Honorary diploma and a souvenir "For contribution to the development of Russian endoscopy."

The award was presented by Professor Mikhail Pavlovich Korolev - Chairman of the Russian Endoscopic Society MD, Leading Specialist in Endoscopy of the Klinika K + 31 MRC Ekaterina Viktorovna Ivanova. The clinic is recognized as the leading institution in the development of modern techniques for endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Based on the results of the vote, Ekaterina Viktorovna Ivanova was elected to the board of the Russian Endoscopic Society.