Artificial intelligence helps accurate diagnosis at K+31 clinic

The K+31 clinic was one of the first in Moscow to implement artificial intelligence for processing chest CT scans. This helps to make a preliminary diagnosis as quickly as possible, saving time on image analysis and preparation of conclusions.

Here's how it works: CT images are viewed and evaluated not only by the doctor, but also by AI: it finds pathological foci, measures them, marks them and calculates the volume.

"As a result, this saves the doctor’s time - he just needs to look at the study processed by AI and draw up a protocol based on the indicators already calculated", explains Dmitry Podtetenev, head of the K+31 diagnostic center.

Artificial intelligence effectively detects potentially malignant foci in the lungs, calculates the volume of hydrothorax (a pathological accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity), evaluates signs of an aortic aneurysm and expansion of the pulmonary trunk.

For patients, the advantage of such diagnostics is that the use of AI reduces the human factor: the risks of errors and omissions are reduced. In fact, the patient receives a double conclusion - the picture is evaluated by both the doctor and the AI.

The process is arranged as follows: the examination from the diagnostic device of the CT device enters a special service (AI Diagnostic), which analyzes the image and returns the result to the workstation of the radiologist. Image processing takes about 1 minute. All studies are preliminary anonymized and all personal data is under reliable protection.

"By using AI for radiodiagnosis, we at K+31 support modern healthcare trends", explains Dmitry Podtetenev. "It is important for patients to understand that artificial intelligence is an assistant, not a substitute for a doctor. His task is to help the doctor not to miss the pathology, to notice the negative or positive dynamics in time in order to prescribe the most effective treatment."