Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

When diagnosing various types of anemias, a complete blood count (CBC) is performed, where, in addition to the main indicators, erythrocyte indices are also calculated, among which MCH, MCHS, RDW and a number of others are of the greatest importance.

MCHC shows how saturated red blood cells are with hemoglobin. The norm for this parameter is 30-38g / dl. Its increase is extremely rare and practically impossible due to the peculiarities of the chemical solubility of Hb. If the indicator is still increased, then most likely the analysis was performed incorrectly and must be repeated. With a similar repeated result, the clinician must look for serious violations of the water-salt and acid-base balance.

The decrease is typical for:

  • Iron deficiency and sideroblastic anemia;

  • Thalassemia - a genetic disorder of the synthesis of protein-hemoglobin;

  • Symptoms of pancreatitis (girdle pain in the epigastrium, bloating, nausea after eating and subjective improvement with fasting);

  • Other hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anemia, methemoglobinemia, carboxyhemoglobinemia).

In general, MCHS plays an important role not only in the differential diagnosis of blood diseases, but also in assessing the reliability of the KLA performed. Therefore, the interpretation of the obtained values should only be dealt with by a specialist doctor who can make the correct diagnosis or prescribe additional studies to exclude false results.

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