Is mammography harmful?

Mammography, as a regular mandatory examination, is recommended for women who have reached the age of forty. It is at this age that experts advise to do the first mammogram and keep records of visits to the mammologist. After 50 years, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to undergo the procedure annually.

Is mammography harmful to women under 35?

Usually, age 35 is a relative contraindication for mammography. When complaints arise, the patient is usually recommended alternative research methods. But with obvious suspicions of oncology, mammography can be prescribed for a clarifying diagnosis. For the most part, at a young age, a mammogram is not done, not because it is dangerous, but due to the high density of breast tissue. This can hinder objective research. Therefore, to the question: is mammography harmful for young women, one can answer that it is rather not informative enough than dangerous.

Is mammography harmful?

Many women fear whether it is harmful to do mammography, because it uses X-rays in the study. Of particular concern is the presence of existing tumors - wouldn't mammography be dangerous in this case? The answer is more than unambiguous: the X-ray dose received during the examination does not cause any fears at all. It does not go beyond the permissible limits and does not possess sufficiently carcinogenic activity. As for the presence of neoplasms, mammography is also used to monitor their activity and growth. Before prescribing a study, the attending physician will necessarily take into account all risk factors and direct them to the study that will be informative in a particular case.

For those who are anxiously concerned about the effects of X-ray radiation, there is another way - you can have a mammogram on a magnetic resonance imaging machine. This test is called MRI mammography or MRI of the mammary glands. At the heart of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), X-rays are not used, the method is based on the principle of the interaction of magnetic fields. This procedure is absolutely safe for the patient and has practically no contraindications (including age-related).

MRI of the mammary glands is recommended to be performed with the introduction of a contrast agent, which allows examining suspicious areas and detecting malignant formation even at the earliest stages.

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