How to prepare for a pelvic MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs can be prescribed in cases where other studies (for example, ultrasound) are not informative enough. As a rule, MRI is prescribed for suspected oncological, inflammatory diseases, trauma, anomalies in the development of the pelvic organs, pain of unknown origin, and vascular diseases located in the pelvic region. MRI, being one of the most modern and effective diagnostic methods, usually allows you to fully determine the diagnosis and immediately begin treatment.

MRI of the pelvic organs: preparation is easy for the patient

Preparation for the study does not require any special actions from the patient. To exclude artifacts from intestinal motility 2 hours before the study, it is recommended to take 2 tablets of NO-shpy or Buscopan. It is advisable that on the day of the study there was a chair (a cleansing enema is needed only if the patient suffers from prolonged constipation). It is also advisable not to urinate 2 hours before the study (if possible). There is no need to drink water specifically to fill the bladder. The study of the pelvic organs in women with a menstrual cycle is best done on days 5-12.

How to Prepare for an Abdominal and Pelvic MRI: Important Differences

Pelvic MRI and abdominal MRI are separate examinations. Despite some proximity of organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, preparation for each study is significantly different from the other. Preparation for an MRI of the abdominal cavity implies a mandatory diet the day before the examination; MRI of the pelvis, in turn, practically does not require preparation.

However, there are general guidelines before performing an MRI scan for any area. It is necessary to enter the MRI room without having any metal objects with you. If you have clothes with metal objects (buttons, inserts, bra underwires), the radiologist-laboratory assistant will suggest you change clothes and give you a disposable gown. During the study, take off the watch, glasses, hair accessories, costume jewelry, jewelry, hearing aids, metal dentures (removable). Do not take bank cards with you to the MRI room, as they can be damaged by the magnetic field.

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