Abdominal x-ray

Most often, an abdominal X-ray is performed in emergency cases, with a diagnostic picture of an "acute abdomen", for a year the patient complains of acute pain in one place or another in the abdomen. In such cases, using this diagnostic procedure, the doctor can identify indirect signs of diseases such as acute appendicitis, kidney and urolithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, etc.

In the process of examining the images obtained with X-ray, the doctor, according to certain signs (the presence of free gas and liquids in the abdominal cavity, the position of the diaphragm and other internal organs, the shading of their various areas in case of hemorrhages and other signs), can draw up a fairly accurate picture of the state of internal organs, diagnose the disease or pathology and prescribe primary actions.

Abdominal X-ray: Preparation

As a rule, for the study of the abdominal cavity, the methods of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are more informative, especially in case of an urgent need for a study.

In the case of an X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, the patient must follow a special diet: 3 days before the study, fiber-rich foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, berries, black bread) must be excluded from the diet. Preparation for the procedure with FORTRANS®. For a patient weighing up to 80 kg, use 3 sachets, after 80, four. You should start taking FORTRANS no earlier than 2 hours after a light lunch. One bag for one liter of still water. Drink the solution slowly over four hours. On an empty stomach.

Barium x-ray of the abdomen

An abdominal x-ray using barium or an x-ray of the passage of barium through the small intestine is a slightly different examination of the abdominal cavity. The human small intestine is an extremely difficult object for research due to its enormous length and the presence of a large number of bends. Even a very informative X-ray examination is not very informative when studying it without additional means and methods. One of them is the radiography of the barium passage, which is a series of images of the abdominal cavity at the time of the passage of the contrast agent through the intestines.

The subject takes a drug containing harmless barium sulfate, which is displayed in contrast in the picture as it passes through the previously cleansed small intestine. During the examination, several pictures are taken at regular intervals, showing the doctor the process of passing the drug until it enters the cecum. Before such a study, you should follow a specially prescribed slag-free diet.The total duration of the study is from 2 to 4 hours according to the instructions of the radiologist and is carried out strictly on an empty stomach.

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