HCG after IVF

hchg.jpg Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is synthesized by the outer shell of the embryo after it is introduced into the wall of the uterus. Its serum concentration begins to increase from 6-8 days of gestation. The level of hCG is the most important indicator of the normal course of gestation and the absence of pathological processes in the intrauterine development of the embryo.

HCG after pregnancy IVF

Immediately after the onset of gestation, regardless of the method of fertilization, chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in the body of the expectant mother. It is secreted by the shell of the embryo, which is called the chorion. The HCG content after IVF is used to judge the success of artificial insemination and the course of gestation.

HCG content after IVF

hchg2.jpg 2 weeks after implanting the blastocyst into the uterine cavity, a test for the content of chorionic gonadotropin is performed. After in vitro fertilization, its concentration is constantly monitored.

To independently determine the outcome of IVF, you can use the "home" test. A positive result indicates a successful conception, but does not give an idea of the course of the gestation itself. To track the dynamics of fetal development, a hCG test is done after IVF by day.

A systematic blood test is performed for:

  • confirmation of the fact of successful conception and the onset of gestation; hchg3.jpg
  • timely identification of risks for intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • diagnosis of genetic pathologies in the development of a child in the 2nd trimester of gestation;
  • determining possible risks for a woman (a low level of gonadotropin can signal pathologies of the placenta or ectopic pregnancy).

It should be understood that the normal content of the hormone in the plasma does not always confirm a problem-free course of gestation. In isolated cases, even with its high concentration in the body, it turns out that the embryo is absent in the ovum. To confirm the fact of conception, an ultrasound examination is carried out. With its help, the location of the fetus and its heartbeat are determined.

HCG after IVF by day

hchg4.jpg Until the 11th week of gestation, the content of gonadotropin in the body of the expectant mother increases. Starting from the 12th week, its content begins to gradually decrease. With a low hormone content, patients are prescribed hCG injections, with the help of which it is possible to maintain the normal development of the embryo. Therapy is prescribed in those situations when the level of the hormone is below normal by about 20%.

Important! Injections are advisable only at borderline values of hCG, if the concentration of the hormone does not increase at all, this signals the absence of gestation.

HCG after IVF: table of norms by day

Days after successful conception

HCG value in honey / ml































The above values are relevant only for women carrying one fetus. With multiple pregnancies, the hormone content will be much higher.

Interpretation of results

The level of hCG in the blood and the dynamics of an increase in its content after in vitro fertilization allow the reproductologist to come to the following conclusions:

  1. the hormone content is much lower than normal - gestation has not occurred;
  2. borderline hormone level - placental insufficiency or other fetal pathologies;
  3. high hormone levels - multiple pregnancies or endocrine diseases.

An excessive increase in the level of the hormone in the 2nd trimester indicates genetic abnormalities and abnormal development of the embryo. To confirm the diagnosis, an additional laboratory or hardware examination is carried out.

Reasons for the deviation of hCG from the norm

hchg5.jpg Very often, during IVF, several blastocysts are implanted into the body of the expectant mother. Thus, it is possible to increase the chances of implantation of at least one embryo into the wall of the uterus. In some cases, implantation of all blastocysts inserted into the uterus is observed, which leads to multiple pregnancies. In a similar situation, when analyzing the blood, the content of the hormone in the plasma is high.

Low hCG

If hCG grows slowly after IVF, this may signal the following conditions:

  • freezing of the fetus;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Analyzes are taken at least 2-3 times to determine the dynamics of an increase or decrease in the level of the hormone in the plasma. If he is in a borderline state, hormone injections are prescribed for the expectant mother. Maintaining hCG at normal levels reduces the risk of pregnancy fading.

A sharp decrease in hCG

After IVF, the likelihood of fetal freezing is high, therefore, the content of gonadotropin in the blood is monitored until the 2nd trimester. A critical decrease in the level of hCG is a strong reason for seeking help from a reproductive specialist.

Important! To exclude the possibility of a high error in the results of the hCG test, it is recommended that analyzes be taken in the same laboratory.

The instability of the hormonal background increases the risk of interruption of gestation or abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus. If such a problem is found, the woman is sent to the hospital for conservation. Artificial maintenance of hormonal balance helps prevent miscarriage and normalize the course of pregnancy.


hchg6.jpg Analysis for the content of hCG is one of the most informative laboratory tests, through which the success of conception and possible violations in the development of the embryo are determined. A low serum concentration of the hormone can signal an ectopic pregnancy, a threat of miscarriage, or placental insufficiency. Timely examination and artificial stabilization of hormonal levels prevent interruption of gestation and disturbances in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

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