
An inflammatory disease of the pharynx, which is caused by fungal microorganisms, is called pharyngomycosis. The process often spreads to other parts of the oral cavity, so pharyngomycosis is combined with gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis. Fungi that cause inflammation of the mucous membrane are conditionally pathogenic for humans. The pathological process develops only against the background of reduced immunity. People of almost all ages get sick, but children and elderly patients are especially prone to the disease.


Pharyngomycosis in the overwhelming majority of cases is caused by yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida (oral thrush). Sometimes mold fungi (aspergillus, penicillins, geotrichum) become the causative agents. To start the pathological growth of fungi, which leads to an inflammatory process, it is necessary to reduce the body's defenses. Therefore, pharyngomycosis accompanies the following diseases and conditions:

  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • metabolic diseases (obesity, thyroid pathology);
  • oncological diseases (against the background of chemotherapy);
  • HIV.

Pseudomembranous pharyngomycosis

The most typical type of disease. On the mucous membrane of the pharynx and adjacent organs, white cheesy deposits with a characteristic sour smell are found. Plaques can be easily removed with a spatula and a bleeding surface can often be seen underneath.

Catarrhal or erythematous pharyngomycosis

There are no plaques on the tonsils and the back of the pharynx. The mucous membrane is smooth, hyperemic, shiny.

Hyperplastic pharyngomycosis

Plaques thicken and merge into white plaques that rise above the mucous membrane and are difficult to remove during examination.

Erosive and ulcerative pharyngomycosis

Plaques are not observed, and erosion and ulcers are formed in places where the pathogen accumulates.

Pharyngomycosis symptoms

The disease begins in the same way as all pharyngitis - with discomfort in the throat. The fungal nature of the process can be suspected on the basis of the characteristic itching and burning sensation. Patients complain of persistent tickling and dry mouth. Pain for pharyngomycosis is very characteristic, it increases with swallowing and is more intense than with a bacterial infection.

If the process is accompanied by stomatitis and glossitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue), then the pain can become unbearable. Even liquid food is difficult for patients to swallow. Painful sensations spread to the lower jaw and parotid region.

Like any infectious disease, pharyngomycosis is accompanied by general symptoms:

  1. an increase in body temperature, which is rarely significant;
  2. general weakness, malaise, headache;
  3. decreased appetite;
  4. patients are irritable, their sleep is disturbed (which is directly related to burning and pain in the oropharynx).

Pharyngomycosis in a child is much more severe than in an adult patient. This is due to the immaturity of the immune system, which creates the prerequisites for the rapid multiplication of pathogens and the spread of inflammation to neighboring organs. In children, pharyngomycosis is often accompanied by stomatitis (pain is more pronounced, food intake is difficult, the sleep of the little patient is disturbed). Therefore, at the first suspicion of a fungal infection of the oropharynx in a child, an immediate appeal to a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist is necessary.

Parents are often interested in the question of whether pharyngomycosis is contagious or not (especially if there is more than one child in the family). As mentioned above, excessive reproduction of conditionally pathogenic fungi is possible only if immunity is reduced. If the child's body is not weakened, and the immune system is normal, then even with close contact with a patient with pharyngomycosis, infection will not occur.

Another situation is immunodeficient patients. The causative agents of pharyngomycosis are contained in the patient's saliva. When it enters a weakened body, the likelihood of infection increases.


The diagnosis of fungal infection of the oropharynx is based on the characteristic complaints of the patient, examination of the oral cavity and laboratory data.

On examination, changes in the mucous membrane correspond to the form of the disease. If a white curdled plaque is found, then the diagnosis of pharyngomycosis is made already at this stage. If the picture of the pharynx is not so specific (with a catarrhal or erosive-ulcerative process), then the patient is assigned additional studies. These include:

  • Study of plaques taken in the lesion focus (mycological study). The analysis is carried out promptly and does not require expensive equipment. Under a microscope, in a smear from the oropharynx, fungal cells, their spores, and pseudomycelium are visualized. For the interpretation of this study, it is important to remember that fungi can normally be present on the oral mucosa in small quantities.
  • Sowing the contents of the mask on a nutrient medium. It takes a long time. The advantage of the method is that it determines the specific type of fungus and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. Such a study is indicated for chronic processes that are difficult to treat.
  • General analysis of blood and urine - are performed for all patients with inflammatory diseases.
  • Determination of concomitant diseases that can lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of pharyngomycosis (determination of glucose in the blood, determination of HIV markers, viral hepatitis B, C, syphilis).
  • Immunological research.

Pharyngomycosis treatment

The group of antifungal drugs is very numerous and varied. All of them can be used to treat pharyngomycosis. When prescribing a specific drug, the following factors must be considered:

  • type of pathogen;
  • stage of the process (acute or chronic);
  • the age of the patient;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • possible side reactions and complications.

Only a competent doctor can weigh all the above factors and prescribe the correct therapy. In the medical center "Clinic K + 31" all conditions have been created for adequate, optimal in time and safe treatment of pharyngomycosis.

Prevention of pharyngomycosis

Since fungal diseases are the lot of patients with a weakened immune system, the prevention of pharyngomycosis is reduced to measures to preserve the health of their immunity:

  • informed use of antibiotics and glucocorticoid hormones;
  • prevention of endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroiditis);
  • a healthy lifestyle, hardening, good nutrition.

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