Albumin and its biochemical norm (ALB)

The total protein is represented by several fractions, the main one being albumin. The role of the latter is associated with maintaining a constant volume of fluid in the blood and transporting various chemical compounds. Since the synthesis of this protein occurs in the liver, its concentration in the blood can be judged on the work of hepatocytes and the presence of hepatic pathology.

The starting material for the formation of protein molecules is amino acids. Some of them are synthesized endogenously, while the other part is supplied with food. In this regard, the definition of ALB is necessary for a complete study of protein metabolism and plastic (regenerative) capabilities of the body. The latter factor is of particular importance in the study of the dynamics of patient management after major operations, injuries, burns, allows predicting the healing process and, if necessary, correcting it in case of hypoalbuminemia.

In a healthy adult, the norm is 35-50 g / l. A decrease in concentration is observed when the synthetic function of the liver is impaired due to:

  • Toxic or viral hepatitis;

  • Fatty hepatosis;

  • Alcoholic or biliary cirrhosis;

  • Growth of primary tumors (hepatocellular or cholangiocellular cancer);

  • Metastatic lesion.

Also, the reason for the deficiency can be:

  • Low protein content in food;

  • Prolonged fasting;

  • High need for a recovery period after surgery, serious injuries;

  • Increased utilization in case of cancer intoxication;

  • Loss due to accumulation of fluid in the chest (hydrothorax) and abdominal cavity (ascites);

  • Kidney failure, which is accompanied by loss of protein in the urine.

For diagnostic and prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to investigate ALB in patients:

  • After major invasive procedures;

  • After prolonged therapeutic fasting (surgery on the digestive system, pancreatitis);

  • A few days after the evacuation of the pleural and abdominal elevation;

  • When hepatic and renal symptoms occur;

  • In case of edema of unknown origin;

  • With increased treatment with corticosteroids;

  • For athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor.

Timely determination of albumin deficiency allows you to avoid the development of severe consequences in the form of "hungry edema", a decrease in the body's regenerative function and the ability to remove toxins.

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