3 weeks of pregnancy after IVF

For women who have ventured into in vitro fertilization, the first 3 weeks after embryo transfer is the most difficult time when the joy of possible motherhood is mixed with the fear of losing a growing new life.

It was at this time that the most important changes occur in the mother's body, which determine the further normal course of pregnancy, and the future organ systems of the child are also laid.

What happens in the mother's body. 3 weeks after IVF

The embryo in the third week is already firmly implanted into the wall of the uterus, which causes the triggering of the mechanisms of hormonal changes in the maternal body. In the ovary, at the site of the release of the egg, a corpus luteum is formed - the main source of progesterone for pregnant women in the first 12 weeks of gestation. Under the influence of progesterone, a change begins in all systems of the woman's body:

  • Reduced immunity. This is necessary so that the body does not reject a tiny organism that is perceived as foreign;
  • The contractile ability of the uterus decreases, which makes it possible for the embryo to stay on its wall;
  • The maturation of oocytes stops for the entire period of pregnancy;
  • Changes begin in the mammary glands, accompanied by the growth of glandular tissue and its preparation for lactation.

Also, estrogen is produced in large quantities, which improves the elasticity of muscle fibers, changes in blood supply and the growth of the uterus.

With in vitro fertilization, 3 weeks after the embryo transfer, the woman most often continues to take hormonal drugs that increase the amount of estrogen and progesterone and reduce the likelihood of termination of pregnancy.

Feelings of a woman. 3 weeks after IVF

3 weeks after in vitro fertilization, the expectant mother may face the main signs of pregnancy accompanying changes in the body. Most often, women note:

  • Morning sickness. Early toxicosis is the most common symptom of pregnancy, especially for women taking maintenance drugs;
  • Mood changes. The changing hormonal background leads to the emotional lability of most pregnant women. Aggravation of nervous reactions is a natural process, but it is especially important for women after IVF to avoid negative emotions;
  • Breast tenderness. An aggravation of the sensitivity of the mammary glands and an increase in their volume is one of the first signs of any pregnancy. Changes in the structure of the mammary glands begin from the first day of conception, and it is the proliferation of glandular tissue that leads to an increase in sensitivity and some pain when touched.

3wafter1.jpg In addition to the main three signs that accompany most pregnancies, there are others that are individual in nature, for example: drowsiness, increased fatigue, heaviness in the lower abdomen, exacerbated sense of smell, etc.

Three weeks after IVF. Embryo development

In the third week of pregnancy after IVF, a neural tube is formed in the embryo. The gastrulation phase ends and the embryo now has the shape of a neurula. In place of the future spinal column, a gradually deepening bend is formed. Closing, the edges of the depression form a neural tube - the precursor of the child's brain and spinal cord. The formation of the rudiment of the heart also occurs.

In the same period, the growth of the placenta begins - a unique organ that provides protection and nutrition to the fetus. The amnion and chorion are formed from the trophoblast and ectoderm. The amniotic cavity is filled with amniotic fluid, and the chorion begins to actively produce hCG. The size of the embryo reaches 4 mm and can already be seen on ultrasound.

Ultrasound examination of a woman 3 weeks after IVF

After conducting an analysis for the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, a woman may already know that she carries a new life in herself. After 3 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the fetus can be seen using ultrasound.

At this stage, the embryo is a tiny ball with barely distinguishable head and tail ends, surrounded by a fertilized egg. Ultrasound diagnostics in early pregnancy is carried out in two ways:

  • Transvaginal, in which a small transducer is inserted directly into the vagina, which emits ultrasonic waves. It is this procedure that allows the most detailed examination of the state of the uterus and the ovum in it. To prepare for scanning, no special preparations are required, except for the exclusion from the diet a few days before the ultrasound of products that provoke increased gas formation, as well as emptying the intestines and bladder immediately before the procedure;
  • It is recommended to use the transabdominal method for long periods of time. Such an examination does not require any preparation, but it is also less detailed due to the greater number of structures in the ultrasound path.

It is ultrasound in the third week after the introduction of embryos that is a method that allows you to reliably determine the presence of pregnancy, since IVF, unfortunately, cannot always guarantee a successful result.

3wafter3.jpg In addition, with the help of ultrasound scanning, you can see:

  • The number of viable embryos in the uterus;
  • The location of the ovum;
  • Changes in the ovaries.

The first ultrasound scan is extremely important to exclude serious pathologies in the form of an ectopic pregnancy, stop fetal development, determine multiple pregnancies and the need for further implementation or correction of supportive therapy.

The main risks of pregnancy failure in the third week after IVF

3 weeks of pregnancy after IVF is accompanied by the same risk factors as with natural occurrence, but with a greater likelihood of miscarriage.

The main reasons for terminating pregnancy at this time are:

  • Injuries accompanied by a violation of the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus;
  • The presence of serious genetic pathologies incompatible with the life of the fetus;
  • Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, both affecting the reproductive system of a woman, and the whole body;
  • Lack of progesterone;
  • Taking some medicines;
  • Ectopic location of the ovum.

3wafter2.jpg The increase in risks in IVF is due to the artificial challenge of changes in the body inherent in natural pregnancy. In the first 3-4 weeks after embryo transfer, a woman is advised to constantly stay under medical supervision and consult a specialist if the slightest cause for concern arises.

With the normal course of the first three weeks, a woman can be removed from observation at a reproductive center and registered in a regular antenatal clinic. But if the patient wishes, pregnancy can be observed in the clinic until the very birth.

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