Filatova Anna Nikolaevna

Filatova Anna Nikolaevna

Experience: 10 years
Holds reception in branches:
K+31 West | Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22
Treatment Profile


  • Planning, execution, analysis and description of the results of CT: chest organs, abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, small pelvis, CT enterography, neck, soft tissues, osteoarticular system, coronary angiography, angiography of neck and head vessels.
  • Planning, execution, analysis and description of the results of x-ray studies: chest organs, abdominal cavity, digestive system, osteoarticular system, urinary system.
  • Planning, execution, analysis and description of MRI results: brain, spine, joints, soft tissues, abdominal and retroperitoneal organs, MR enterography, MRCP, pelvic organs.
About the doctor
Language skills