What's better?

In the area of detecting breast diseases, mammography or ultrasonic research remain the most informative methods. What method is more informative? It is not possible to answer this question by a priori, because Dairy SLM and Mammography are complementary diagnostic methods and are not competing in informative matters.

SCI or mammography? What's better for diagnostics?

Before understanding the informativeness of the survey, attention should be paid to the principle of the operation and the technological characteristics of each method.

Mammography is carried out through an X-ray study which allows for the identification of new education in breast tissues at the earliest stages. Modern equipment excludes radiation from other bodies and tissues, focusing only on dairy glands. Mammographer ' s readings are quite accurate, but some of the characteristics of the dairy tissue (e.g., high iron density) are false and an additional ultrasonic study is required to verify them. Contemporary digital mammography allows a doctor to better assess the state of the dairy gland: the picture from the mammography goes to the diagnose of the monitor, where he can make a clear picture, close the segment or increase the iron disturbing section for a more detailed consideration.

SLM allows visualization of breast tissue by scanning with high-frequency sensors. The images obtained are highly authorised and contrasting. SLM is a perfectly safe and painless method of research, both self-sustained and integrated with mammography. Most often, the SLM method cannot be used to diagnose tumours, as it does not detect possible microcalcients and restructure the iron tissue structure of in situ cancer. In doing so, it is the Dairy Glass SLM that can detect X-ray tumours (which may also be detected in palpation but not detected in the MRI of dairy iron or mammography).

What's more like, ultrasound or mammography?

It is clear that both methods are complementary and have a number of characteristics, so it is not clear that they are more effective - SLM or mammography. The final choice of the method of study remains for a mammologist who will make an appointment on the basis of testimony: SLM or mammography, which is better and more appropriate to propose in every single clinical case.

C+31 Medical Center offers state-of-the-art mammography and ultrasound equipment. Of course, it is best to contact a specialist who will explain what method is most informative for your case.

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