Do you think it's possible to make an MRI brain?

When a patient is assigned a magnetic and resonance tomography of his head, he has a very real question - and is it not dangerous for a brain MD? Yes, patients have heard of radiation damage in radiological diagnostics, but in the case of MRI, it should be understood that this method is fundamentally different from the X-ray method. The X-ray survey uses ionizing radiation from exposure to radioactive radiation, which, of course, can harm the organism. However, the MRI is a perfectly safe method, as it is based on the principle of the impact of magnetic fields with internal bodies. Magnetic radiation at the MRI is perfectly safe for humans: we all live in magnetic fields, from the magnetic field of the Earth to the appliances.

MRI study: Is it bad or no cause for concern?

As all other diagnostic techniques, the MRI of the head still has some characteristics, which may cause some groups of patients to be opposed. The question of whether the MRI is harmful to the brain is, first and foremost, to take care of:

  • Women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Relative bias is not related to magnetic fields, but to the fact that a woman in the MRI will have to experience uncommon feelings, which may cause overreacting, and this situation triggers the risk of termination.
  • Patients with claustrophobia because the MRI study suggests a patient in a closed box.
  • Sick with decompensated heart failure. The anti-indication is related to the psycho-emotional burden that may be experienced by a sick person under the MRI and, consequently, the reinforcement of the signs of the main disease.
  • Patients with electronic medium ear implants or any other metal implants, cardiacsmulators, brain clips, Ilizarov machines, etc. The magnetic field may disrupt the work of the electromulators or cause disturbances in bodies supported by metal detectors, as according to the law of physics, the magnet will attract iron objects.

Effects of the MRI of the head brain on organism

For all other patient groups, including children, the MRI survey procedure is perfectly safe. It is therefore not necessary, for non-objective reasons, to abandon this precise and informative study.

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