How is an MRI of the abdomen performed?

Comprehensive magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity (MRI of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space) involves examining organs such as the pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands, spleen, liver, lymph nodes, gallbladder and other soft tissues to obtain their layer-by-layer images.

What does an abdominal MRI give? The accuracy of the result is the main advantage of MRI, especially when other types of research - laboratory, ultrasound, computed tomography - do not make it possible to make the correct diagnosis. An important advantage of MRI is the ability to determine the nature of neoplasms and the degree of their development without other painful diagnostic procedures.

The abdominal MRI procedure itself is not much different from any other MRI study. The patient needs to stay in the space of the tomograph and not move for a while as instructed by the radiologist.

Abdominal MRI can be done without special training. However, if you want to get a good result, then it is advisable to adhere to several rules on the eve of the study, which include:

  • exclusion from the diet a couple of days before the MRI of any foods that cause increased gas production;
  • it is worth coming to the study on an empty stomach or before the study it is necessary to abstain from food and liquid intake 2-3 hours before the start of the examination.

These preparation methods will improve the quality of the images obtained by the tomograph for better diagnosis of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.

How is an MRI of the abdomen of a pregnant woman performed?

How is an MRI of the abdominal cavity of a woman performed if she is pregnant, are there any contraindications? If a standard MRI scan is recommended, then only the first trimester of pregnancy is a relative contraindication. If it is necessary to study an MRI of the abdominal cavity using a contrast paramagnetic liquid, pregnancy and lactation are absolute contraindications.

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