How often do you make an MRI spine?

The magnetic and resonant method of research to date is the best way to diagnose the state of organs and tissues of human beings. Founded on uncontacted organism scanning by a powerful magnetic field, which records the resonance of hydrogen atoms, the method is the safest method for the medically tested.

Effects of MRI studies on organisms

MRI research does not, in its essence, use for X-ray or other severe ionizing radiation studies, a magnetic field created by a tomography, physical nature and exposure can be compared with the radiation of cell phones or microwave kilns you use a few times a day. Research only rarely requires the introduction of completely harmless counterfeit drugs in order to improve the doctor ' s image.

Frequency of surveys or how often the MRI makes spine

As to how often the MRI can be made by the spine, given all the above, it is only worth relying on the opinion of the diagnostic expert. Repeat the MRI procedure is possible at any time, up to an immediate additional examination, if, for example, for some reason, a doctor is required to obtain a different cut from the body studied, model it in a three-dimensional form, increase the authorization of the images received, etc.

But how often the MRI makes you spine, as well as any other internal body, your self-reliance will not depend. Multi-year research and statistical data have long proved the full safety of magnetic resonance tomography for humans.

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