Diet before an abdominal MRI

Among the currently existing methods for examining the abdominal organs, it is worth highlighting MRI. This procedure allows visualization of all abdominal organs and images in all three planes. MRI allows you to determine not only the condition of organs, but also their location, shape and size. If any inflammatory process occurs in the body, this can also be determined, even if the process is at an initial stage.

The MRI procedure is not particularly difficult, however, due to the peculiarities of this area, it requires little preparation:

  • The study should preferably be carried out on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that all abdominal organs are clearly visible and images are clear. Excessive contents of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract significantly reduce the quality of the study. The last meal can be taken at least 2-3 hours before the procedure. Water and other liquids should also be discarded approximately 2 hours before the study.
  • The diet before an abdominal MRI is usually prescribed by your doctor 2 to 3 days before your appointment. Diet before an abdominal MRI is optional and is at the discretion of the physician. We'll have to give up starchy foods and sweets for a few days, limit the consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries. You can eat meat, fish, eggs and any dairy products.
  • The day before the MRI, it is necessary to exclude foods containing coarse fiber from the diet.

Diet before an MRI of the abdominal cavity is a necessary stage in preparation for the study.

In order for the study to go well and to get as complete a result as possible, we recommend that you stick to these few simple dietary guidelines.

More detailed information about the necessary diet specifically for you will be advised by a specialist at the K + 31 Clinic a few days before the MRI of the abdominal cavity.

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