Papillam of the Hortany

Symptoms and Diagnostics of Papillams of Hortanium
Papilloma treatment of hortany

Papillams of the Hortany - caused by the Papillaume virus in the hortitanium, have a species of pink or bright red bearded with a small or small-scale surface on a non-broad basis or on a leg. They have soft consistence, easily traumatized and bleeding, removed without special effort. Papillomas account for 20 to 24 per cent, and other sources account for 40 to 50 per cent of all good-quality hortanium tumours. The papilla hortany is particularly high in the early years of life. Male dominated among the sick.

Based on certain Morphology clinicAge-related papillomas of children and adolescents (a child papilloma) and adult papillomas.

Symptoms and Diagnostics of Papillams of Hortanium

Clinically, there is a chilling voice over time in afonia and a respiratory breach in connection with the development of the stenosis. Balloting papillomas on a leg that falls in the light of the voice cheek may cause asphyxiation. Based on certain age-related clinics, papillomas of children and adolescents (the papillaume) and adult papillomas differ.

In the diagnosis of the disease, the main role, apart from anaemisis and complaints, is fibrolaringoscopy.

Papilloma treatment of hortany

Papillam's cardinal treatment doesn't exist. Surgical intervention is the basis for treatment, but even after it there are cases of recidivism. After the removal of the papillomas, they are sent to a morphological study to eliminate malignant education. The operation is carried out under duress, under the backup microlaringoscopy on Kleinzaser.

Following the removal of the papillian hortany, antiviral therapy, immunotherapy course, dynamic observation in the hospital.

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