Determination of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)

In the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, glycosylated-Hb is an important indicator. Glucose molecules circulating in the blood bind to the protein-hemoglobin of erythrocytes, and the higher the concentration of the carbohydrate, the more glucose-hemoglobin compounds are contained. This ligament is chemically stable and exists until the very moment of destruction of red blood cells in the spleen, liver, and red bone marrow.

Taking into account the lifetime of erythrocytes (120-130 days), the average duration of the circulation of the complexes is approximately 2-3 months. Thus, the value of HbA1c lies in a more reliable study of glucose metabolism compared to a single-stage study of isolated sugar. In the latter case, it is possible to measure only the momentary level; it is impossible to judge the level in the past.

The purpose of the analysis has several goals:

  • Examination in healthy people for prophylaxis;

  • In the process of making a diagnosis;

  • To monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Prophylactically performed in people with an increased risk of developing metabolic disorders:

  • Smoking;

  • Hypodynamia;

  • Excess body weight;

  • History of pancreatitis;

  • Arterial hypertension;

  • Borderline sugars in biochemistry;

  • Hereditary predisposition.

Allows you to confirm the presence of pathology (with an ambiguous glycemic profile), to establish the degree of compensation for the disease, to plan the most successful combination of treatment.

In patients with an already established diagnosis, it is used to control the therapeutic regimen. High numbers indicate the need to increase doses or change medications.

Hemoglobin-A1c can be used in obstetric practice to detect diabetes in pregnancy.

The rate is 4-6%. Values from 6.1 to 8 indicate a greater likelihood of diabetes in the patient, all that is higher - the risk of diabetic complications in the form of retinopathy, neuropathy, angiopathy, which requires an immediate change in treatment tactics.

Glycosylated hemoglobin is a reliable indicator of a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, therefore its appointment is justified for everyone who monitors their health.

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