Arts and Vegetables

insem19.jpgThe artificial insemination process is a common form of artificial insemination used in the infertility. The procedure is conducted in both the natural cycle and the ovarian stimulus method, which increases the likelihood of success two to three times.

Physicians K+31 based on tests and diagnostics conducted, a doctor ' s survey will determine the appropriate method for conducting artificial insemination in a particular case. A case-by-case approach will be developed for each patient to increase the chances of success.

Egg stimulation shall be performed if:

  • The couple did not have the baby in the first place because of infertility for at least five years;
  • The woman suffers from irregularity in the cycle;
  • There are hormonal disruptions due to blood hormonal tendencies;
  • The age of women is over 35 years;
  • artificial insemination in the natural cycle has not been successful.

insem20.jpgThe procedure is carried out in several consecutive stages.

  1. In the first instance, based on the results of women ' s analyses, it is decided on how to proceed with the procedure, use the spermatosis of the spouse or seek donor assistance.
  2. Stimulation of vulture through the use of specially designated hormonal medicines, which facilitates the screening of several folliccules.
  3. Two hours prior to the artificial insemination, the spouse will give the seed, or if it has been decided to use the donor sperm, it shall be frozen an hour before the commencement of the procedure. If sperms are used, sexual activity must be excluded for three to four days before the procedure.
  4. The seed is in the uterus, and the woman takes a horizontal position. The whole sperm process takes only 20 to 30 minutes and is completely painless. The next day, the procedure needs to be repeated in order to increase the chances of successful fertility.
  5. The process is repeated in the next cycle if the previous success has not been achieved and the pregnancy has not begun. With a successful artificial insemination, K+31 doctors will help a woman in the early stages of pregnancy by establishing a proper treatment scheme.

Professionalism and long-standing experience of C+31 doctors, the use of high-quality donor sperms, the monitoring of the security of the procedure, its painsiness, comfort, the training of medical personnel, all of these factors make the decision on artificial insemination in Clinic K+31 clear and correct.

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