MRI studies

MRI diagnosis is one of the most accurate methods of detecting diseases of internal organs and human systems. The benefits of the MRI, in addition to the practically ideal informative nature, are considered to be operational (a 20-minute diagnosis) and security. The method is based on the properties of magnetic fields, their physical interaction allows information on the state of human organs and transforms it into images.

What kinds of MRI are they?

MRI research is carried out with a special tomography that creates a strong magnetic field. All kinds of magnetic resonance tomography operate on the principle of the effect of magnetic field on hydrogen atoms in human body that respond to the signal sent and provide energy (responsive), creating a large picture. This makes it possible to visualize the different conditions of the tissues examined during the survey.

Depending on the pre-diagnosis, a patient may be assigned a magnetic resonance tomography with a countervailing or no, MRI angiography or a functional magnetic and resonance tomography.

Types of MRI research

Various types of MRI research enable specialists to diagnose pathological changes in the following tissues and bodies:

  • Head brain and brain receptacles. Complaints for headaches, turtle and brain injuries, suspected tumors, various vascular pathologies, strokes, etc. The MRI of the head and head brain may be assigned to endocrine, eye, LAW to diseases, in the case of mental disorders, with high intra-pulse pressure symptoms, developmental impairments and frequent faints and dizziness.
  • The MRI joints enable a specialist to see the building characteristics and various pathological processes in capsule, cartilage, discs, menisses, bags, bundles, receptacles and other soft pieces of joints, initial inflammatory or other changes in the bone tissue.
  • The abdominal layer of the MRI is carried out on suspicion of the tumorial loss of liver and glued streams, in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of tumor damage, internal injuries, acute and chronic pancreatites.
  • Spring space. The MRI of kidneys and kidneys is shown on suspicion of kidney tumor or kidneys, on suspicion of nearby pathological processes, on suspicion of urea pathology, in order to clarify the nature of extensive kidney education found through other research tools.
  • Small pelvis organs. The MRI of small pelvis bodies is carried out on suspicion of the tumours of urine bubble, uterus, ovarians, fermental iron, straight bowels, with known tumours of pelvic organs, including direct guts, in order to assess their prevalence on adjacent structures, in order to assess the state of regional lymphos.
  • Different spine divisions. During the magnetic resonance tomography of the spine, specialists receive as accurate as possible information on the state of intervertebral discs, on dystrophic processes, vertebral degenerative diseases, nerve damage in spinal injuries. And a special ITL allows the images of the spine in all divisions in one patient ' s position, which accelerates the research process.

Magnetic and resonant tomography is the most important discovery in medicine. The method is considered to be the most informative and completely health-free survey method, as it does not have a radius burden and allows specialists to visualize even the most complex processes in tissues and bodies.

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