X-ray of Turkish saddle

Turkish saddle is a small area under the skull where the hypophysics are located. The study of the Turkish Cedla was used to identify pathology and other hypophysics violations to eliminate the hypophysics tumours.

With an assessment of the shape, size and contour of the Turkish saddle, the diagnostic doctor may conclude that there may be a hypophysic tumor or absence. Currently, the gold standard of medicine for the study of the Turkish Cedla (as in many other areas) is magnetic and resonance tomography.

Turkish Sedla X-ray

The radiography of the Turkish saddle is carried out in a side projection as the most representative of its condition.

In the course of the study, the patient is acting on the instructions of the X-ray lab, the specialist takes pictures and transmits it to the doctor for further examination. The doctor ' s mission is to prepare a medical report on the state of the Turkish saddle for further assignment and passing or to adjust the treatment of the disease.

Turkish saddle radiography: how to prepare for the procedure

In the context of the location of the study area in the brain area, no preliminary preparatory action is required from the patient. You will be asked to remove various objects that prevent X-ray radiation, such as earrings, glasses. All other actions will be followed by a specialist at the clinic K+31.

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