X-ray of nose bones

Many nose breathing problems require accurate and rapid diagnostics. The best method of studying the relevant tissues is the X-ray of the bones of the nose, which visually assesses the damage to the bone structures, reveals the presence of inflammations and the condition of the diarrhoeal pastes.

An X-ray nose survey with a minimum radius load can be carried out at the K+31 Diagnostic Centre equipped with the latest equipment. Digital X-rays minimize radiation exposure without harming the body.

  • Bone X-ray benefits for other methods
  • Evidence
  • Objection
  • Preparation for nose X-rays
  • Method of study

Bone X-ray benefits for other methods

Bone radiography has considerable advantages over other LOAD diagnostic techniques:

  • The nose injury is highly painful and the risk of tissue damage to the sharp edges of the bone in fractures, which requires rapid diagnosis. The X-ray survey does not exceed 10 minutes by providing the doctor with sufficient information to implement emergency measures. CT and MRI are longer diagnostic procedures that require additional time to decode and consolidate the materials received;
  • Endoscopic nose checks are not always possible due to elevated tissue strength; X-ray is a non-contact research method that does not cause a patient with painful feelings;
  • In the implementation of the MRI, the patient must not be less than 20 minutes permanently lying within the body of the apparatus, which may cause deterioration of his physical and emotional condition, especially in the fear of enclosed spaces. The X-ray picture of the nose is carried out quickly, without the need to place the person under examination in a close diagnostic machine;
  • X-rays of nose bones may be carried out in a seating position, which is important if post-traumatic nosebleed is threatened.


The radius of the bones of the nose is necessary in the face or turtle-mobile traumas that caused a severe nosebleed, followed by a drain of tissues and continued pain in the nose. Removal of noses or blows to porters due to accidents, attacks or sporting connections also requires X-rays. Patients are shown with nose X-rays if there is a respiratory difficulty due to bone deformation, including a central partition curve.

The X-ray helps to diagnose the inflammation areas, including the accumulation of gnomes in frontal and haymore pazukhs, which is important in the risk of spreading the process to the depth of the turtle box. The best survey shall be conducted with separate pathological conditions:

  • A respiratory violation of nose bones in the event of progress in osteoporosis;
  • Sustainable inflammation with frequent recidivism, based on the development of osteomyelit;
  • Formulation of receptacle or bone tumours, distribution of metastes;
  • The need for forensic examination to assess the severity of the injuries suffered;
  • Pre-operational preparation for nose plate.


An X-ray of the bones of the nose is not recommended to feeding or pregnant women due to a dosed radius during the process, which may harm the developing fruit or infant directly through maternal milk. The radiography is undesirable to weakened patients with reduced immunity and several consecutive X-ray surveys in the recent past, regardless of the localization of X-rays.

The X-ray picture of the nose may be distorted if the patient has non-removable metal or metallic prostheses in the mouth.

The best study is not shown to children before the age of 14, with the only exception that a child ' s noses had an alien body that could be visualized quickly only with X-rays.

Preparation for nose X-rays

The traumatized patient, prior to the photograph, stops bleeding, stabilizes the patient ' s condition and performs the local pain. Before entering the X-ray cabinets, the person in question is requested to remove all jewellery and demountable dental prostheses containing metal.

In order to obtain a clear picture, it is necessary to remain stationary for a few seconds at the notice of the survey specialist. The child or person in an unconscious state shall be kept in the required position.

Method of study

The nose radiography is carried out in several positions, which is related to the X-ray of nose bones. Frontal and non-conditional, as well as two side images (left and right) are performed in a patient ' s seating position or lying, depending on the condition of the patient. Before the patient ' s apparatus is activated, the protective skin from the lead is covered, leaving only the area of the face open. The exposure to each projection lasts a few seconds without causing pain or unpleasant feelings.

Nosodomic and direct projection is informative when the bone elements are replaced, often following traumatic fractures. The side positions illustrate the symmetry of the nose. In the case of impression type fractures, images in the axial projection shall be carried out to enable the cross-sectional displacement of the debris. Several different images allow diagnosing multi-colour fractures of nose bones with visualization of fracture lines.

Come to the International Medical Centre, K+31, and make sure as equipment, skills and reliability of the survey results.

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