Gorlo in laringe.

golar1.jpgLaringit (from larynx - hornets and souffix -itis - inflammation) - an inflammatory process in the hortany, which is a slim and slimy base. There is no need to confuse the laringitis with the faringitis (inflammatory process in the throat) or tonzillite (inflammation of the fucking and global almonds). The cause of the disease may be a nosological unit, such as bacteria or virus, as well as other factors: chemical burns, erosion. In the absence of treatment, the laringitis may be complicated and chronic.


Depending on the causes of the disease, appropriate treatment is provided.

Biological reasons are the pathogen's hit on slim organisms. They often have viruses, less bacteria formed by colonies (cocks) and mushrooms.

Chemical causes are the inhalation of harmful substances and gases that can destroy a sliding hornet, such as tobacco smoke. Except inhalation, and chemical burn.

Acute allergic reaction, which destroys the slim layer of hortiani up to the sliding layer, may also be a chemical cause.

The most rare cause is the injury of the hortany, where it is easy to damage the protective layer.

Disease symptomatic

golar2.jpgDisease begins with general weakness, temperature rises to 37.5-38.0 C. The following symptoms emerge:

  • There are pains, peas, discomfort that can cause cough. It's often dry.
  • The strength and inflammation of a slimy throat with a characteristic hypermy. This can be found by looking at the rear wall of the throat.
  • Total intoxication of organisms characterized by weakness, increase of leicocytes in blood. In allergic ethicology, there is a significant increase in eosinophiles in the leukocitarian blood formula.
  • Frequently accompanied by a rinitis that might complicate itself to a heimorite.

Factors and treatment

Treatment is weak if there are some external harmful factors, such as smoking, inhalation of harmful substances (from miners, heavy and chemical workers). Lower immunity, for example, for HIV or AIDS or congenital immunosity, plays a significant role in complicating the disease during its treatment.

In order to cure the abyss quickly, try to reduce the negative factors as much as possible, to quit smoking, to comply with the regime and to follow the directions of the attending physician.


golar3.jpgMost often, pathogen can extend to other organs. It can often cause heart complications. Restoring the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system after such complications is difficult.

Often, the effects may cause damage to other sections of the upper respiratory paths or even to the lungs, thus making it much more difficult for the symptoms and treatment.

It's wrong to believe that this disease can go through itself. Also, you don't have to go to non-traditional medicine that could harm your health when you disagree with a specialist. Illness is not the best, as the cause of the disease may be different microorganisms, as well as medications that have helped in one situation, but in another may even aggravate the disease.

Remember: frequent cold diseases or laringitis can be the first symptom of immunodeficiency!

Acute shape

The symptoms are also exacerbated when the disease is exacerbated: the cough becomes even more dry and heavier, the increase in cervical lymphouses with urradiation of pain in the ear can be associated with an angeine and scarlatin.

Chronic form

It turns out when not only the upper and lower breathing paths are affected, but other bodies are also affected. The greatest impact is on the heart, so there are possible violations on its side - tahicardia, arithmia. This may be associated with both direct damage to the organ and may lead to the misinertment of the bulging neurb that provides the system not only to the heart, but also to the diaphragm with the bowel. Consequently, there may be various irregularities on the part of the FCL related to its poor, inactive functioning.


If you are suspected of having a disease, or your child will urgently contact your attending physician. Remember that the duties of ambulance officers do not include the delivery of a sick person with a specified disease to a hospital (except in cases where there are already complications that can cause serious health damage). So you may not be called, or you can get a fine for a false challenge.

golar4.jpgTreatment is selected on an individual basis depending on the ethics of the disease. A common study of the disease is the general blood analysis to determine the leukocitarian formula. On suspicion of defeating the Baqsils and Cokes, wet research may be taken.

The first drugs you're going to be appointed by a doctor are a wide range of drugs, inhalation, rehab. There is no need to ignore the recommendations on heavy drinking, since dehydration due to hyperthermia has a negative impact on recovery. If a doctor advises hospitalization, it is desirable to accept his demands, but remember that you have a legitimate right to refuse hospitalization. A list of treatment procedures that can be assigned to treat the disease or its consequences will be added.


They are carried out within the medical facilities, in particular the outpatients. Therapeutic effect is caused by a couple of drugs that are constantly spraying into the hortany area. This method is safe and painless, so it can even be assigned to the children of a clear group.


Applicable to treat complications that transcended into lower respiratory paths, such as tracheits, bronchitis. The calcium ion is beneficial, which passes through the anode of CaCl2. Despite the fact that the apparatus and procedure may look scary because of the tension, it does not pose a real threat and can be used even for the chest.

UF therapy

Uses ultraviolet waves to flow to the station with pathology. Despite its effectiveness, this method is considered obsolete. For the organism, it is a safe method that does not have an anti-indict. One but, it's not desirable to look at the U.S. rays because they can harm the eye grid.

After the disease

Gorlo is still weakened after laringitis, especially since it is necessary to restore slim and immunity. So it is desirable within 1 to 2 weeks after healing to avoid contact with sick cold diseases, to give up the physical burdens, because the cold will be much easier to catch again than in a healthy state. The doctor may appoint a continuation of the adoption of certain drugs before full recovery.

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