In the Department of Ophthalmology CLINICS + 31 a new direction in Ophthalmosurgery has opened

Earlier this month, a new direction in Ophthalmosurgery opened in Clinic + 31. About which problems ophthalmologists at Clinic + 31 solve, which operations they specialize in, and which development plans are outlined, says the head of the ophthalmology department, Ph.D., Abramov Sergey Igorevich.

What problems are most often addressed to the ophthalmology department?

First of all, they come to the ophthalmology department with refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. Patients most often have complaints about poor eyesight. The causes of visual impairment are very diverse, and thorough diagnosis allows for their identification, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Based on the results of the study, ophthalmology specialists determine the most effective treatment method.

You can familiarize yourself with the full text of the interview in the "Articles of Specialists" section.